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  1. eezstreet's post in How are the files organized in the code? was marked as the answer   
    as a general rule
    g_ serverside
    cg_ client game / clientside
    ui_ ui (obviously)
    bg_ g/cg/ui (in some cases)
    q_ entire game (shared by engine and DLLs)
    q3_ icarus bindings
    tr_ "the renderer"
    sv_ serverside engine
    cl_ clientside engine
    snd_ sound
    cm_ "clip model" (player<->map interactions)
    net_ network code
    stringed_ .str stuff
    fs_/files_ stuff involving the filesystem
    g2_ ghoul2
    rm_ random map generation (not used but still fully functional)
    sdl_ SDL (linux/mac only)
    sys_ linux
    win_ windows
    be_ bot behavior
    ai_ npc behavior
    l_ C/C++ parser used by the game, extremely primitive
    Fx anything that involves .efx files
  2. eezstreet's post in GTK Radiant 1.6 not loading on Windows 8 was marked as the answer   
    You're missing the Visual Studio 2012 runtimes. Download them and it'll fix that error message.
  3. eezstreet's post in Efx maskered was marked as the answer   
    If what AshuraDX says is correct, then it's likely that you just have too much junk being rendered, or too long of a life.
    Heres some math for you.
    Suppose we have an efx file. In it, we have a simple spark effect that shoots out 6-10 sparks, with a life of 1200 for each.
    since the blade effect gets rendered _almost every frame_, that right there is 6-10 tris. Now suppose our client has 90 FPS. That means you're rendering 540-900 tris at any given point in time. For point of reference, the Galak model has around 1.2k tris. With more than one saber onscreen, it becomes obvious why there's issues.
  4. eezstreet's post in WARNING: CM_GridPlane Unresolvable was marked as the answer   
    You can ignore it. It happens all the time and there is no serious consequence of it.
  5. eezstreet's post in Galak Spawning not working on Outcast maps was marked as the answer   
    That's because Raven derped and totally nerfed NPC_Galak for no reason whatsoever.
    In NPC_Spawn.cpp, change this:
      /*QUAKED NPC_Galak(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) MECH x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY MECH - will be the armored Galak DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Galak( gentity_t *self) { } to this:
      /*QUAKED NPC_Galak(1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) MECH x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY MECH - will be the armored Galak DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy */ void SP_NPC_Galak( gentity_t *self) { if ( self->spawnflags & 1 ) { self->NPC_type = "Galak_Mech"; NPC_GalakMech_Precache(); } else { self->NPC_type = "Galak"; } SP_NPC_spawner( self ); }
  6. eezstreet's post in Some help with MP UI coding? was marked as the answer   
    @1 It's called cvarStrList, so naturally it doesn't work with commands. What are you trying to do exactly?
    @3: Submit an OpenJK issue, someone will likely check it out if you provide a .menu
  7. eezstreet's post in How to make a transparent HUD numbers ? was marked as the answer   
    CG_DrawHealth, CG_DrawAmmo, CG_DrawForce and CG_DrawArmor would be what you're after. Specifically, when there's a trap_R_SetColor / cgi_R_SetColor involved.
  8. eezstreet's post in Is there a way to get transparent weapons to show in first person? was marked as the answer   
    First person models don't use the same shader as the third person variety, I think. First person guns have a specular shader applied, which I don't think the third person has applied to it. Your best bet would be to find and fix that shader.
  9. eezstreet's post in NPC with No Weapon was marked as the answer   
    Additionally, these NPC names are hardcoded to spawn with no weapon:
    Anything beginning with "elder" (such as elder_jarjarbinks)
    Anything beginning with "prisoner" (such as prisoner_jarjarbinks)
    All neutral NPCs will spawn with WP_NONE, regardless of class.
    These "enemy" types:
    Anything beginning with "protocol"
  10. eezstreet's post in movie duels II mod was marked as the answer   
    Run it via launch settings, not by the mod menu.
    I can't recall what the Movieduels folder is called in Gamedata. I'm assuming it's called MD2 (based on what I remember). Replace MD2 with whatever the Movieduels II folder in Gamedata is called, if necessary.

    In Steam, go to Jedi Academy (SP). Right click on it in your library and select properties. On the General Tab (opened by default), go to "Set Launch Options...". Type the following:
    "set fs_game MD2"
    Launch the game via Steam. Should now boot up with a Movieduels II splash screen and animations should be fixed.
  11. eezstreet's post in Stop Map Music, Play Another Song Command was marked as the answer   
    You need to set the music configstring in order to make it play the music.

    trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MUSIC, soundPath );
    Best way to check if you're playing music or sound (if you're altering your sound command to play music for each client as well) is to check the beginning of the file name thusly:

    if(!Q_stricmpn(soundPath, "sound/", 6)) {

    if(!Q_stricmpn(soundPath, "music/", 6)) {
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