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Posts posted by Warlock

  1. That isn't what I mean @@Zyk.


    I have a Free Warrior with like 8 different Force powers already purchased. It only lists Team Energize. I also have purchased a blaster and ammo for it and it only shows Melee and Det Packs.  o.0



    Also, if you do develop the mod more, I forgot to mention to my wish-list: increasing the limit for .veh extensions would be nice. :D

  2. So yeah basically I just made a custom distribution for the mod that doesn't include the OpenJK files and has updated .dll files in the folder and everything is running gloriously now. That should eliminate any future headaches. If you *do* update the mod though, please let us know!



    Also, if you DO decide to update the mod, it'd be amazing to have 2 more features. We'd love if we could enter a command that showed what class skills we've purchased and to what level.  We'd also love if you could give admins a notarget command for the NPCs so that we can have PC-controlled bad guys have mobs with them and not get attacked. It doesn't always work with friendlies when they are ordered to guard.  :)

  3. Update:  apparently it IS the mod, it's the Visual C runtime libraries being of the 140 variety instead of 120. If you remove those after updating to a newer version of OpenJK it works fine I guess. So no need to recompile it, I'll just make sure my community has the right instructions on how to update OpenJK without breaking the mod.  :D  I mean, I can live without binding the menu.  hahah

  4. Ah so...update. We discovered the September 11th version of OpenJK works. It is only the more recent updates that don't. No idea why the newer builds aren't working right. Regardless, that's an acceptable update level since that includes the Euro keyboard update. Seems like it isn't your mod but an OpenJK thing. Cheers!

  5. You aren't altering the OpenJK exe files are you? I assumed that the entirety of the client is in the cgame dll files and the uix files and such. All of that I kept and it's broken.


    Not being able to use the most recent OpenJK exe files is rather unacceptable since there were fixes made in OpenJK to the console access for European keyboards, which I thankfully no longer have to answer on a weekly basis when I get people to run OpenJK. If your mod doesn't fix that, then many people will have to go without menus for the OpenJK upgrade.

  6. Well yeah, I get that. And it would be great if he wanted to spend the time doing that. I just thought maybe there was a way to make a script that replaces them, similar to how you can bind keys I was thinking maybe you could "bind" a custom command.  lol  I know it was overly hopeful.  Thanks anyway.

  7. Sorry it's been like 2 months since you posted this. I can enlighten you that JA++ does not have jp_alterdmg. However, it does have some fun saber tweaks unlocked that let you get a pretty good combat experience and you can always scale all the damages down or up to balance them. But afaik the original JA+ is the only mod that allows you to tweak individual attack damages from the server config. 

  8. Hey all. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to make a basic script.  We've recently made the change to Zyk OpenJK Mod for our RP server. We're really liking it. However, all the skills and emotes and such are built as numbered lists that are difficult to remember.


    What I would like to do is create a simple script that generates variables that can replace the numbers. For example, say I want to do /emote 10. Instead of typing /emote 10, I want to type /die.  Instead of /up 1 to increase my Force Jump skill, I want to type /up jump. Is there any way to generate a simple serverside script or even a client script that can do this since all the content is already there and I just want to replace the values?

  9. I know this mod is probably not going to have the greatest level of tech support, but I figured I'd post here as well as on the mod comments as well. My RP community Shattered Worlds just moved to this mod. We love it, but (at least for me) the client is having an issue where it doesn't generate the mod-specific UI menus. It seems to be an issue with creating uix86.dll and having to revert to legacy. Although I tried putting in the most recent OpenJK version of this file, it still breaks. Regardless of whether or not this is related, the UI menus for the Zykmod specific content all generate red error messages leaving a menu button that when clicked does nothing. Any ideas as to why these menus are failing? Should I try compiling a newer version from Github? --  I see there was a "fix" a few months ago for integrating with newer OpenJK builds?  @@Zyk got any ideas?

    Smoo and Zyk like this
  10. That would not fix it. That variable is only ever used for printing your current scale on /modelscale. It's not used for setting the scale.


    I love how coders say "that won't do what you said it did" because logically it doesn't make sense to them. I'm just going by what happened man. Before I changed it, our models kept going giant size when respawned. After I changed it, everything is working. You can choose to disbelieve me if you like, I'm just saying it worked for us so if someone else has that issue they can try it and maybe it'll work.  *shrug*  We haven't once had someone go giant size since we changed that value. We don't have to refresh anything. It just works as intended.

  11. Could someone get a recent Windows build out manually? The bot is still broken. Even though there hasn't been much since the last build, I feel like 10 months is quite a long time to go without updating.


    lol  thanks for ignoring the fact I did that 2 months ago and a few people even thanked me for doing such.



    Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, but I'm extremely happy to say that I finally got around to fixing the Windows builds after a few weeks of work. See for yourself!


    We're now using a hosted service (http://appveyor.com) so downtime should be very minimal. Integrating our solution for deploying builds to @@Didz's server turned out to be a lot of work, but now you can expect a new build every Monday at 20:00 UTC time.


    As with all our builds, we don't thoroughly test them so you might encounter some problems with this one.


    Amazing news!  Thanks so much for getting the automatic updates working again!  <3 <3 <3

  12. Well, idk about your FPS, but I compiled it mostly because someone mentioned it fixes the console key placement issues a lot of my Euros are having all the time, so it was worth a day and a half of headaches to sort it out to resolve months of future ones trying to get cranky Central and Eastern Euros to change to OpenJK when the first thing they think is "NO it is BROKEN I must go back!"  xD

    Smoo likes this
  13. By the way, there's an error in the plugin.lua that I found that was causing our models to jump to Giant size when we re-spawned.


    I believe line 96 should read:


    local scale = 100


    That seemed to fix it for us.

    Smoo and Merek like this
  14. For those who would like to have the last 9 months worth of OpenJK updates for the windows build, it is now unofficially available at http://shattered-worlds.org


    I spent quite a bit of time last night learning how to compile source code from the github. My apologies for being really tired right now and hosting it via Mediafire, maybe I'll put it on our actual web server tomorrow and update the link in the post. It's stickied to our portal articles, and I will try to keep it updated until the OpenJK team gets them updating on the official site.


    Note that, again out of laziness, I included the JO stuff in the package. If you don't need anything for JO, you can remove those files. They all begin with jo instead of ja.  :P





    Edit, I fixed an issue where I compiled it as portable, and edited the links on the site the next day to no longer be Mediafire btw. For simplicity, it can be direct downloaded from:  http://shattered-worlds.org/files/  I forgot to update this post as I am rarely on here.

    Sephiroth, Raz0r and Smoo like this
  15. Greetings to all in JK land!


    I'm here to announce that after a little over a year or so, we're going PUBLIC with our new Star Wars RP community Shattered Worlds!


    So what the heck is Shattered Worlds? Well first and foremost we are a community of Star Wars fans, writers and role-players, storytellers, and people who love to play the Jedi Knight series and train our skills with a lightsaber. We love to socialize and enjoy many facets of the game from full Force fighting to dueling to siege, and so we try to incorporate elements of all of it into what we do, because above all else we love collaborating together to tell stories and develop our own characters in the Star Wars Legends universe.


    The main daily server RP is based around a new Jedi Praxeum in which Jedi and their Force Allies train and set out on missions against the newly risen Galactic Sith Empire. Anyone is welcome to join this RP as a Jedi Hopeful (can be any age, we don't condone infant students in this era) and train in lightsaber combat. Many of us have been training lightsaber combat and philosophy (both Jedi and Sith) in this game for quite some time (my first students were in 2004) and we have heavily tweaked our JA+ server configuration to be as clean and accurate as possible; and we have developed a few special sabers that change up the animations to make things a bit more interesting, attempting to emulate the various styles of combat seen in the movies and television serials; but we are sticking to changes from the base game animations so not much of anything breaks without our server resources if you just want to test things out before committing to downloading our content.


    As a group that is interested in building a larger community and reaching out to areas of our larger JK community that often don't intermingle, we welcome members of all clans and teams and communities to come and participate. I will be approaching some of the long-time clans in the near future to offer them a chance to honor their clan by creating an NPC character that sits on one of the councils - in doing so, members from those clans can join the RP without establishing a Hopeful. Instead they can simply establish themselves as a knight from another temple and come and go into the RP as they please.


    Finally, if you ever wanted to play in a more serious kind of RPG story, something more like pen-and-paper tabletop gaming, we offer that as well! Once you are established as a regular in the community by reaching member status on our forum (it takes a few days of being active) and shown that you're going to be active on our server, you can create a character bio page in our wiki. Our story campaign features characters across the entire Galaxy, and player characters can participate in campaign missions with a narrator using our unique homebrew RPG system called the Action Point System™. We've spent over a year to create this rules system in order to create a simple and balanced way to generate player characters (PC) and non-player story characters (NPC) and resolve conflicts organically. We use Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy as the interface for this, spawning custom npcs and taking control of the story. PCs are able to interact with the larger Galaxy in this way on the hundreds of maps available for the game, and actions that take place in these campaign missions influence the bigger story that is the backdrop for the freestyle RP that anyone can participate in.


    So if any of this sounds interesting to you, head on over to drop us a line at official website at http://shattered-worlds.org

    Our server and website are hosted by Caelum and we've put a lot of time and energy into making sure everything is top notch. We hope you come check us out, soon!


    Note that we have players from all over the world so our activity is odd and usually our prime hours are on weekends. Thanks for having a look!

    Smoo, Nuhallis and Darth Phren like this
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