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Posts posted by Brownjor10

  1. It's for character menus.  Not random stuff.  I'm messing around with a combo of KotF and OpenJK and some other stuff.  I just like making my own levels and playing so I have about 700 characters in my game now and made menus that list all the characters alphabetically, good guys first, then bad.  And a menu for giving and spawning every weapon and item type.  But yeah, I figured it out.  Can't remember what I changed, it's been like 2 weeks since I got it working, just haven't been online.  But yeah, I know it's not the norm to be working with that kind of stuff.  Haha.

  2. Does anyone know how to allow for more space for buttons and menus?  I just added a menu and it was working fine, but it was about 125 buttons and I have 4 menus just like it, but since I finished this one, my game freezes on menus after the game loads and you try to open any menu.  I've double checked, and it isn't a code issue with that menu, because when I take another out, it works fine.  So, it must be a button or menu limit in the games code.  I've changed all sorts of numbers but can't seem to find the one that will help.  Sorry, I know that's not a lot to go on.

  3. Hi, I've been adding a lot of new guns and grenades in to my variation of OpenJK single player and I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to get a working new gun model with the right direction and textures, etc.  Is there a full guide out for gun making, and how to get the full .MD3 and .GLM in game?  I've seen a lot of new guns being added but I can't seem to figure it out myself.  :/  Any help would be great.  I've got the gun modeled and textured and the *flash tag added, but does it or the gun need weighting or to be parented to one another?  And how do I get a working .MD3.  I have about every plug-in related for 3ds max 2010 but something always goes wrong.  Haha.

  4. Haha.  Yeah.  site.  My bad.  But yeah, I'm super excited to see a Dagobah map.  And Flucia for that matter.  But both will likely not be able to have too many characters on screen.  I wish someone would make some crazy cool revamp and make the game able to handle more characters and models without slow down.  Hell I once crashed the game on a huge level just by placing too many weapons and items to be picked up.  It would be great to be able to do the battle of Geonosis or something with 100+ characters without the game running at 10fps.  But I don't know where someone would even have to start to rework something like that.  

    Jeff likes this
  5. Dude, please do.  That's why I was making it.  Warning, when you add the weapon then it will probably shoot the flame effect backwards so you need to copy the code from boba's flame and reverse it.  But damage works fine either way.  Also, I haven't made any code to make npcs hold down fire so they just shoot tiny fire balls.  Might need to look in to that.  haha.

  6. I was able to fix it.  Turns out the stuff I had was only for the damage formula.  I didn't have anything to say which direction the effect should go, so instead of banging my head against the desk since I'm not that great at coding, I just edited the effect to start and end opposite, making the flame effect do a 180 turn.  So it's working now.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  7. Hi, I'm making an actual flamethrower based off the code from boba fett, but whenever I try to shoot it, the flame shoots backwards through the back of the gun, but it still seems to damage people close to me in front.  Here is what I have.  Anyone know what I can do to reverse the flame?


    #include "b_local.h"
    #include "../Ravl/CVec.h"
    #include "../cgame/cg_local.h"
    void WP_FireFlameThrower(gentity_t *self);
    void WP_StopFlameThrower(gentity_t *self);
    void WP_StartFlameThrower(gentity_t *self);
    void WP_DoFlameThrower(gentity_t *self);
    #define WP_FLAMEDURATION 6000
    #define WP_FLAMETHROWRANGE 800
    #define WP_FLAMETHROWSIZE 80
    extern cvar_t* g_bobaDebug;
    extern void CG_DrawEdge(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int type);
    void WP_FireFlameThrower(gentity_t *ent)
    trace_t tr;
    vec3_t start, end, dir;
    CVec3 traceMins(ent->mins);
    CVec3 traceMaxs(ent->maxs);
    gentity_t* traceEnt = NULL;
    AngleVectors(ent->currentAngles, dir, 0, 0);  
    dir[2] = 0.0f;
    VectorCopy(ent->currentOrigin, start);
    traceMins *= 0.5f;
    traceMaxs *= 0.5f;
    start[2] += 840.0f;
    G_SoundOnEnt(ent, CHAN_WEAPON, "sound/weapons/boba/bf_flame.mp3");
    VectorMA(start, 150.0f, dir, end);
    if (g_bobaDebug->integer)
    CG_DrawEdge(start, end, EDGE_IMPACT_POSSIBLE);
    gi.trace(&tr, start, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent->s.number, MASK_SHOT, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
    traceEnt = &g_entities[tr.entityNum];
    if (tr.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD && traceEnt->takedamage)
    G_Damage(traceEnt, ent, ent, dir, tr.endpos, damage, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR | DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK | DAMAGE_NO_HIT_LOC | DAMAGE_IGNORE_TEAM, MOD_LAVA, HL_NONE);
    if (traceEnt->health>0)
    // G_Knockdown( traceEnt, self, dir, Q_irand(200, 330), qfalse);
    G_Throw(traceEnt, dir, 30);
  8. if (self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_WAMPA)
    {//spawns a rakghoul
    if (self->health >= 0 && (Q_stricmpn("rakghoul", self->NPC_type, 13) == 0))
    SP_NPC_RAKGHOUL(G_Spawn(), 16);
    I have this set inside the G_combat file as a perimeter for future spawning.  I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to set a spawn area, though.  Right not it seems to be spawning him in origin of the level, half way in the ground.  I don't know how to make it spawn where the victim it killed is.  I've made various new functions because I couldn't figure out how to make the normal ones even spawn him.  I think I'm making it way harder than it needs to be.

    Also, this is making another spawn when I kill the already spawned rakghoul, but I want it to spawn when the rakghoul kills someone else.
    I was trying to make it work like the force crystals that the shadowtroopers drop, so it just spawns out of their dead body.
  9. Hey guys, I'm not really on the forums all that much, but I was wondering if anyone a little more code savvy, as I'm just learning and have only coded a weapon and some follow functions, could help me with something.  I'm trying to mimic the Rakghoul disease from kotor 1.  


    I want to make it so that if an npc named "rakghoul" kills an npc, the game spawns npc "rakghoul" at the last known enemy location.  


    So, essentially, if a rakghoul kills someone, it spawns another, as if they were infected and turned in to a rakghoul.  I've been playing around but can't seem to figure out how to make it work quite right.  Like a zombie effect.

  10. Dude, I think all the work you have been doing is just awesome.  It's exciting to have any new models at all, and especially wonderful when someone goes all out like you have.  I really can't wait for you to publish some, or the whole pack.  The 3po with the droid head is something I've been wanting forever but it's just been low of my to-do list.  And the new grevious cape looks great too.  And while some people have complained randomly in the past, I'm all for as many new jedi or whatever models that we can get.  It's just opening up doors for the future.  Who is to say there won't be a jedi or sith character come out in a comic or movie in no time and all we will have to do is a quick reskin of an alien headed jedi that you already made.  Personally, I don't care if you make a ninja turtle in a jedi rode or put a rancor head on r2-d2.  It's still new and something to be used.  Can't really complain.  Anyway, again, really looking forward to the release, man.  Keep up the great work!

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