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  1. I have a similar question so i don't want to start a new topic. Is there any way to force NPC to stop targeting at player if that NPC is agroed ,and make him return to his basic script ie. walking thru level and looking for enemies. To clarify, i mean, MGS style enemy behavior.
  2. 1. Func_train ,One of the most important thing is making func_train origin brush. You actually made it by creating square brush with system/origin shader on your func_train center. You must have all func_train brushes, patches etc +origin brush created as one entity to work properly. You have to create func_train paths with path_corner entity, just create your paths by connecting multiple path_corner entities with ctrl+k shortcut. Func_train------>path_corner--->path_corner---->path_corner etc. etc. 2. Try this shader it should work correctly. textures/Foldername/shadername { qer_editorimage textures/Foldername/texturename surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm nonsolid q3map_nolightmap cull twosided deformVertexes wave 10 sin 0 0.8 0.5 0.4 { map textures/Foldername/texturename alphaFunc GE192 depthWrite } }
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