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Posts posted by spior

  1. I opened the solution yesterday!


    Okay I'll work on it some more tomorrow. As far as I remember, it used to give me more files than predicted so I have no idea what to do right now, but I hope I figure this out.


    EDIT: Okay, I fixed that issue then. I'll have the updated version up in a sec.


    EDIT: or not...

  2. Nope I haven't. I can do that I guess.


    EDIT: okay so, it crashed on jedi_amp_1.2.9_fix.zip and I learned 2 things

    1) I should never trust that the call stack will have enough useful debug information

    2) I should include more information in my printf's

    3) I should check if the file is already downloaded / if the file list is already downloaded instead of downloading them all over again

    4) I should learn to count


    on the bright side


    Size: 340 MB (357,121,078 bytes)

    Contains: 178 Files, 49 Folders


    178 files...not too shabby. 6000 more to go!

  3. Okay, so apparently sometimes jk3files decides to give me a completely empty response. I blame break media for this and will work on fixing it.

    And that KB thing might be due to the fact that I only count the KBs of the file and not the total response (HTTP headers). Will fix.

    EDIT: Okay well...
    because jk3files mods/GF staff are fucking stupid, things like http://www.gamefront.com/files/?filepath=/gamingfiles/Jedi_Knight_III/Models/minecraft_playermodelv2_fixed.zip happened and I have to check each page if there's a new version of the file...


    OH WAIT!

    No, even worse, this isn't a new version -- this is the link to the same file only put in a different way.



    EDIT: @@Syko redownload, I fixed it for now. Check the repo for more details I guess.

  4. Yeah I had a feeling that would happen.

    It's pretty impossible for me to test all the scenarios it would go through so I figured it'd crash.

    That's why I didn't want to release it to the public :D


    You know, if you happen to remember which file it crashed on that's be great...


    Oh and, it doesn't do the whole waiting thing for me at all. Just goes straight to the other file o.O


    EDIT: okay 2 things:

    1) http://isup.me/jediknight3.filefront.com

    2) just found a reason for it to crash. I didn't double-check the folder names...

  5. 1) If things don't decide to break, this will probably be done very soon


    things broke. I keep getting redirected in circles. Might take a while to understand why this is happening since I don't know any of the GF staff.


    Okay I think it's done. Gonna do some small tests and link it to you if all goes well @@Syko

    Actually hold on. I wanna make this look pretty :D

  6. I get the feeling someone doesn't comment their code lol

    Oh I do.

    But I just like to jam as much as code as I can in one place.




    while(t = strstr(t++, "<a class=\"size11\" href=\"/file/"))
    char temp[MAX_FILE_LEN] = { 0 };
    t+=strlen("<a class=\"size11\" href=\"");
    strncpy(temp, t, strstr(t, "\"")-t);
    if(*num_file == 0 || strncmp(temp, files[(*num_file)-1], strlen(files[(*num_file)-1])) != 0)
    strcpy(files[(*num_file)++], temp);
    tt = t;



  7. Glad to see some progress! In several years the JK community will thank all of us for doing this. 


    Also, If you don't mind, after the bot is finished I'd like to have a look at the source code (unless you want to release the source anyway.) I think it would be a good learning experience for me in programming.

    Oh lol.

    Yeah I do plan on making it open source. I need to practice my git and this seems like a good opportunity.

    Have fun understanding anything though.

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