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  1. Oh thank you
  2. Version final


    Well i ve been at skining busines for a litle...Maybe a month or so but i consider this piece to be very good ....It s my best skin as of yet and i l proly cease skining for myself.Anyways enjoy.As far as inspiration goes i got it from Milamber s skin named ripper(black face) so i made a black skin but it was oveeeer the top too much for people s eyes...So i deleted it and went to bed,tomorow morning when i got to it i decided i l use white instead of black and add less shiny stuff so i got this(i actualy wanted to call it hipie reborn because of the flowers).... Skin description:Well a reborn default model recolored in white with aded shaders that are subtle enough but visible in dark.... Instaling:Extraxt the rar than coppy the zeus.pk3 in the base folder... Update:Removed blue glow around eyes collored eyes and mouth black....minor changes
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