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Files posted by neomarz1

  1. 4-LOM VM

    This is 4-LOM skin made by Mars Marshall.
    This is one of the many bounty hunters found in Episode 2. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars


       (0 reviews)



  2. Aayla Secura VM

    Ayla Secura as seen in Episode III, and Dark horse comics.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    First remove any other version of AaylaSecura that you may already have... Next place FemAayla2.0.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn aayla.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: aayla
    For Side Kick support: aayla
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn aayla... Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: aayla
    For Side Kick support: aayla
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (7 reviews)

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  3. Adi Gallia VM

    A skin of Jedi council member Adi Gallia
    Yes on Bot Functionality. The bot has been given a rating that best suit the character's own ability.
    There are no new Taunts
    Character has unique text dialogue for all situations (in bot support).


       (3 reviews)

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  4. Anakin's Speeder VM

    This is reproduction of the Anakin's Airspeeder from AOTC, allthough the speeder has no weapons, you can use your blaster or saber while driving.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle aspeedervm.
    Here are the npc vehicle names for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (2 reviews)



  5. Asajj Ventress VM

    Dark Adept Understudy to Count Dooku, also seen in the AOTC animated series. Conceptualized for AOTC movie, but never used.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Next place Luminara, Asajj Ventress, or Vosa Komari.pk3 (whichever you have downloaded) into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn luminara.
    Here are the npc model names for this model (for which ever model you have downloaded)...
    For Luminara use: luminara
    For Asajj Ventress use: assajv
    For Vosa Komari use: vosakomari
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (6 reviews)



  6. Aurra Sing VM

    Aurra Sing "Bounty Huntress" as seen in comics, and Star Wars Episode I.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Next place aurrasing.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn aurrasing.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Enemy: aurrasing
    For Playermodel: playermodel playeraurrasing
    For Bounty Hunter support: playeraurrasing
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (6 reviews)



  7. Bantha VM

    Bantha 2.0!!! What can I say. I couldnt have done this without "Light Ninja". He is a great animator, I must say he improved the model even more, plus the model sits above ground! Included is a death animation. There is a difference in the mounting procedure... Dont be shocked that when the bantha spawns, you will be inside of him... just back up and jump up on the saddle, and have some fun. Mars out
    For some fun: spawn wampa's next to bantha, they will attack him!
    Special Thanks to: "Light Ninja".... you fixed this beast!!!! Thanks alot man.


       (5 reviews)



  8. Barriss Offee VM

    Barriss has her hair pulled back into braids, and is wearing black vinyl pants. The costume is loosely based on traditional jedi gear.


       (0 reviews)



  9. Battle Streeds VM

    The Streed or "Hypostreed" is a NeoMarz1 personal creation... It does not exist in the StarWars universe. Actually the creature was designed to be used in my "up and coming" 3D comic Eve!
    Someone had suggested that a horse model would be cool to put in the jedi game, and the Streed seemed to be a good model to import. Light Ninja had suggested that I should do an NPC model (since we both worked on the Bantha).
    I liked the idea of using a Horse like character that could be used to gallop through the narrow halls in a map, especially in a Single Player game! Hopefully someone will make a "Free For All" Map that will host these models
    on spawn points, That would be Great! The Streeds are pretty versatile, and are a blast to use when attacking bots on foot!
    Character Background
    The Hypostreed is an alien horse breed that seemed to have been imported from somewhere in the "outer rim". The Breeds seemed to just pop up in the "Hydian Run" trade route. The unique characteristics of the Streed include
    Gills, long neck, and protruding chin. The Gills are only a secondary breathing apparatus to the primary lung system. It is believed that the Streed is from a planet with a very humid atmosphere. The long neck, and protruding chin
    are a evolutionary tool, that enables them to dig stream bottom vegitation up for consumption. The amazing thing about this animal is that they seem to be very adaptable to various harsh climates.


       (2 reviews)



  10. Bobble Heads Pack VM

    This Model Pack was something I decided to do this weekend. It's a tribute to all of you who have supported me. I was amazed at all the people who came out and showed thier appreciation of my work... I want you all to know, I am sincerely touched. I have read all the forums, and not a comment goes by me. Thanks to all of you! I will probably return sometime in the future. Marzout!
    I wanted to make something that would bring a smile... Too often people take these models way to seriously. I'm not afraid to poke fun at my own models... So please dont tell me the head is out of proportioin to the body. This time I meant to do it!!!!
    To be honest I am having so much fun converting my models to Bobble heads, It brings a fun aspect to the game. Here is Bobble Head Vader, Bobble Anakin, Bobble Obi, Bobble Maul.
    Note: You may want to replace the older version of BobbleVader with the new one in the pack. I made some fixes.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Now I have all the pk3 files separated in the zip, so you only need to place the ones you want. If you want them all then place N_BobbleVader, N_BobbleAnakin, N_BobbleObi, and N_Bobbble Maul.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    Team Support:yes
    Bot Support: Yes
    NPC Support: yes
    Sounds: Yes.... But you need the original models, maulvm, and anakinvm, to access the sound files.
    ***How to use:***
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn bobblevader.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For NPC: bobblevader
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (3 reviews)



  11. Bultar Swan VM

    The Bultar Swan has been tweeked to stand out from most female model designs. She is wearing the traditional Jedi Attire for female Jedis.


       (0 reviews)



  12. Clones Ultima VM

    This model pack contains just about every clone varient shown in Episode II, and III.
    *********Important Note...READ FIRST!!!!!!**********
    Not all varients are on the main selection page, some are located on red or blue team selection. Other varients have to be spawned using the "console command" (see below).
    The reason for this is so that the clones do not take all your character slots up.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Place ZClonesUltima.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    To access extra clone varients:
    Open up the command console while pushing the shift and ~ (tild) keys together, then enter either of these commandlines to access the extra varients.
    model cloneclassic/yellowclone
    model cloneclassic/greenclone
    model cloneclassic/purpleclone
    model cloneultarck/commander
    Episode III extra varients:
    model clonesultima/sky
    model clonesultima/212
    model clonesultima/default
    model clonesultima/dirty
    model clonesultima/41st
    model clonesultima/default_gree
    model clonesultima/default_bly
    model clonesultima/default_deviss
    model clonesultima/327th


       (8 reviews)



  13. Clones VM

    It's Clones and Mandalorians from "Attack of the CLones". Some varients are original creations (Clone Scout, Dak, Ambu, etc...)
    AOTC/TC has put this model forward as sneak preview of other work still to come. Please do not use this model in any other MODs unless given permission from Anakin @ AOTC/TC (www.aotctc.com) As you all know, this is exclusive to aotc/tc (see more @ aotctc.com). The AOTC/TC project is a serious project, and I am proud to be working with some of the best talents out there. The staff all strive for perfection, as you will see in these models.


       (2 reviews)



  14. Dark Adept VM

    Dark Adept... Although the Sith are best known as dark force users, there is also the "dark adepts". These are casual users of the darkforce. This particular adept is a personal creation. She has salvaged a cannon sheild, and changed it into a makeshift helmet. Little is known of her origin.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Next place Dark Adept.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn darkadept.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Enemy: darkadept
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn darkadept... Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Enemy: darkadept
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (3 reviews)



  15. Darth Grenn VM

    Dahre's beginnings were as a clone from the planet Kamino, because her genetic code was tainted, She was labeled a failed proto-genetic, and weaned from the testing molds.The Kaminoans being a civilized race, sent her away to a distant world. She started to feel Sidius's influence. He came to her in visions, She felt bound to him as a child. She came to know Sidius as a father(almost drawn to him on a biological level).
    Her quest to find him, brought her to his side. In the beginning she was just a consideration, but because Maul had gained Sidius's favor, Dahre was never meant to fill the Padawan position. When Maul was killed, Sidius needed another Sith lord to take over the great Maul's position. He took the most skilled of his considerations. Dahre Garten was taken as his own (as a temporary pawn). Sidius bestowed the title of Darth Grenn to her.
    Dahre was now a Sith lord. Later she would be abandoned for another.
    Darth Grenn (Dahre Garten) is a character that I created on my own. She is not an existing character in the \"Star Wars trilogy\". All Star Wars references are protected and copyrighted by Lucas Arts, and my creation is not designed to be a part of that universe. This story is for entertainment purposed only.


       (1 review)



  16. Darth Maul VM

    This is My version of DarthMaul from Episode I (The Phantom menace).


       (10 reviews)



  17. Darth Seph VM

    This is Darth Seph skin made by Mars Marshall.
    This is a personal creation that I call Seph. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars If you have downloaded the \"Emperial Darth Seph\", You do not need to delete it. Both files can exist without effecting one another.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Darth Vader VM - Episode III

    This is Vader as seen in Episode III. This model will "not" overwrite any other NeoMarz Vader models, so dont worry if you should want to keep them. So what's new? Well Tweaked model, Tweaked skins, New Shaders (more accurate metal effect), Glowing ChestBox lights. I decided to go back to the original cape.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Place VaderEo3.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn vadervmm.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: vadersingle
    For side kick: vadersingle
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn vadervmm.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: vadersingle
    For side kick: vadersingle
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Team Colors: Yes
    Bot Support: Yes
    NPC Support: Yes


       (7 reviews)



  19. Dehn of Republic VM

    This skin was influence by the work over at Plasma Skins I must say that there are a lot of cute Jans over there. Thanks to the fine skins produced by \"PlasmaCoolant\", I got some great ideas for my next skin titled \"Dehn of Republic\"
    Dehn was known to be a user of the force, but only in a limited way. She was not a Jedi, or even a Padawan consideration. She was a lone wolf. Her calling was to be a defender of the Republic, but it was a personal calling. Her people were destroyed in the first testing of the Deathstar. She would have to somehow avenge those whom died. She would later be known as \"Dehn of Republic\".
    Sincerely Mars


       (0 reviews)



  20. Delta Commandos VM

    Delta Force Republic Commandos. Characters Boss, Fixer, Sev, and Scorch.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    This pack can safely be loaded with the ultmateclones pack, and does not overwrite any files. Place Zclonedelta.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn commando_boss.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Enemy: commando_boss
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    To change playermodel: Open up the command console while pushing the shift and ~ (tild) keys together, then enter this commandline.
    model clonedelta/default_boss
    model clonedelta/default_fixer
    model clonedelta/default_sev
    model clonedelta/default_scorch
    model clonedelta/blue
    For helmetless versions
    model clonedelta/default_fboss
    model clonedelta/default_ffixer
    model clonedelta/default_fsev
    model clonedelta/default_fscorch
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn commando_boss.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Enemy: commando_boss
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    To change playermodel: Open up the command console while pushing the shift and ~ (tild) keys together, then enter this commandline.
    model clonedelta/default_boss
    model clonedelta/default_fixer
    model clonedelta/default_sev
    model clonedelta/default_scorch
    model clonedelta/blue


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  21. Dermot VM

    This is Dermot female sith lord made by Mars Marshall.
    One of the design artists for "Attack of the Clones" (Dermot Power) inspired me to create a female Sith. His work was truly amazing. Unfortunately some of his female siths where not used in the movie. I thought it would be cool to create a character similar to some of his ideas.
    I named this character from my inspiration... Dermot
    Dermot is a Sith lord consideration. Her race is unknown; However, she is from the human species. Her fighting style is similar to Tavion's, but she is even more refined in her skills. Later she would become known as "Darth Sephia".
    These characters are of my own creation, and are not part of the Star Wars universe. They are merely for entertainment purposes.


       (0 reviews)



  22. Deuces Wild VM Pack 1

    Luminara as seen in Episode2... New version with cape, plus improved skin.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    First remove any other version of Luminara that you may already have... Next place Luminara.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn luminara.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: luminara
    For Side Kick support: luminara
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn luminara.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: luminara
    For Side Kick support: luminara
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (5 reviews)

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  23. Deuces Wild VM Pack 2

    Basically this is my own creation of a female Mandalorian. I call her Sintra Messon. Basically I was watching G4.TV and they were covering a StarWars festival. There was a girl dressed up as a black Mandalorian. This pretty much spiked my interest.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    Place FemSintra.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn sintra.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: sintra
    For Side Kick support: sintra
    For Non helmet version: sintras
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn sintra.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: sintra
    For Side Kick support: sintra
    For Non helmet version: sintras
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. Deuces Wild VM Pack 3

    ShaakTi as seen in Episode2
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    First remove any other version of FemShaakTi that you may already have... Next place FemShaakTi.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
    1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn shaakti.
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: shaakti
    For Side Kick support: shaakti
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn shaakti.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
    Here are the npc model names for this model...
    For Playermodel: shaakti
    For Side Kick support: shaakti
    Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.


       (3 reviews)



  25. EMP77 VM

    The EMP77 was designed to hunt down Jedi. They do not have force powers, but do have the ability to shoot high voltage energy. They have very quick reflexes, and are programmed to use the light saber with the utmost skill. The first models were utilized in the "trade federations" arsenal. They were used to make area control less taxing on the sith lords. These characters are of my own creation, and are not part of the Star Wars universe. They are merely for entertainment purposes.


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