Edit: We have gotten more than our goal in donations! Thank you to all who donated! We will be able to keep all of our services for the year!
No, really. Please help.
As of today, JKHub has been around for over a year. Every day, hundreds of people visit a website we host. JKHub has almost 32,090 posts and 911 members registered!
Additionally, we provide downloads for 1,594 mods, some of which over a GB in size. Also, 64,404+ files have been downloaded from our files section
Unfortunately, that costs money.
How JKHub makes money
Though JKHub is not a registered charity or non-profit organization, we do rely very much on users' donations. We currently do not have any paid ads on our website, and are not supported by any companies or investors besides our users. For this reason, we ask for donations once every year, in the fourth quarter. We'd very much like to continue being ad-free.
We try to be as transparent as we can about donations, so if you have any questions, please do feel free to yell.
What we need money for
Here is a full breakdown of all the money JKHub will need to make it through 2014, and the end of this year.
Webhosting is what we need in order to be able to make our site available to you. These costs go towards the company JKHub uses to host our website, and to make sure JKHub and sites using its hosting are secure and fast.
Dropbox is the third-party service we use to serve mod downloads that would otherwise to be too large (and too many) for our infrastructure to handle.
Software licenses are what we need to pay for to keep improvements to our site coming, such as the ones posted in this article. They'll allow us to keep our site as modern, user-friendly and secure as possible.
Addons are extensions to the software we use, such as the tutorials system and the links directory, made by third-party developers.
Domains are things like "jkhub.org".
The total money needed
In total, we need $200.
We have received $217 worth of donations so far.
What happens if we don't get $200
Truth is, we need about $200 to keep the webhosting up. In fact, if we don't have it by the end of the month, bad things might happen.
In practice, we'll certainly do everything in our power to keep JKHub running smoothly no matter how much money we get, however, we may have to decide to start placing potentially intrusive paid ads on our site to be able to accomplish that, for example.
So, in conclusion, please donate.
The button below will take you to our donation FAQ page, which is also where you can donate. Again, we try to handle donations as transparently as possible, so if you have any further questions, please post below.