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Request for brush work details for a custom map in progress

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I've been working on a map called the Temple of Mechanism currently a work in progress proceeding through final stages of completion.  I thought I may open the opportunity for others to create some stuff for use in the map.



I am looking for GTK brush work only, no models or efx needed.  I could use many things and they don't have to be complicated.  The map will be released as open source so other will be allowed to use or modify the map as long as credit is given.


Stuff I need to finish the map are mainly just details.  Just bits and pieces to make the map feel more complete.


Things I could use:


crystal formations


weapons for use in a dojo (swords, axe, ninja stuff, a glowing lightsaber with the blade turned on might be kool).


other stuff:  I could possibly use a light source or 2. (light source must be made to look natural and not with wires or modern look to it, it's an ancient temple after all).  If you have something you'd like to submit I would consider just about anything as long as it works. 


If you've got an idea for something or if you have something already made let me know.  And please supply a small readme file with the submission so I may give credit where credit is due.  All I need is a map file of the object and a read me file.  I can make both available to the public upon release.  All that is needed is brush work, I can re-texture something to make it look better or fit better with the map if needed.  Full credit for the submission will be given, I will not take credit for texturing or modifying something you made.




I could technically place models in the map and it would work out well if I weren't making the map also to be used in Jedi Outcast.  I am teetering on the edge of entity limits for JO currently so placing more models into the map with the other additions I need to make and the map won't work for JO.  So all work needs to be made from a brush or patch.  I have a gold and a chrome shader already made and I can apply the shader to anyone's brush work to make it look good.  If interested just give me a holler or post a reply or just send me a pm.  If not, I am sure I'll get what I need done.  If I can get some submissions though I can work on some other stuff and get this map ready to go a lot quicker.  I'll be doing detail work this weekend so the sooner the better I get the submissions I'll be able to add it to the map.  And, don't worry about having to make something look perfect or realistic just to fit in with this map.  I will take submissions from beginners to experts.  I will however put a little more emphasis on getting the beginner submissions into the map as a priority.  It doesn't have to be new, if you made something 10 years ago or last week or last month I'll consider any submission given.


And, thanks ahead of time.  I do hope I can get a few people interested in making a submission and I know those who do make a submission, would appreciate seeing their work in a map of this type.   There is an official beta release (with version for JO and JA to view for scale etc you may reference if needed in the download section).  And of course upon request, if you need me to package up an area to work out scale and stuff a little better I can supply a map file of the area you would like to add some stuff to.



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