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I need someone who plays The Old Republic on PC

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I didn't want to ask this since I can play it myself for free, however I just cannot get past the Marka Ragnos beast. I die every time.


I require someone who has The Old Republic so I may use their account temporarily to do some recording for something important for JKA.


I must ask that this account must be able to access the final battle with Darth Malgus (where you kill him).


This is for a GREAT cause and I do not want to reveal the surprise, so please, anyone who can help me out, PLEASE HELP!!




Alternately you could go onto my account (it is a free to play account) and play it until the point I must kill Darth Malgus, or create a new account and play it until the point of killing Darth Malgus so I may hop onto the account.

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