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Avoiding amsleep

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Hi guys
Yesteeday a swedish guy came to my server and he started to create meses, laming and so. He was slept and then somehow he got rid of ir and could move.
He wasn't admin and the amwake cmd wasn't applied nor through admin ir rcon
He also faked players witjout changing name and used multilinel names

How did he get rid of sleep?



edit : i managed to move lagging myself, is it that? Tho I can't move freely, but I can move while slept.

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


If multi-line names or chat is allowed, that's a JA+ bug and maybe you could check out JA++ for your server.


If someone can get out of amsleep, that again is a JA+ bug. I have no idea if JA++ does amsleep, but if it does, it probably doesn't have that bug.


So basically either convince the JA+ developer to fix those bugs, or try JA++ instead.


If multi-line names or chat is allowed, that's a JA+ bug and maybe you could check out JA++ for your server.


If someone can get out of amsleep, that again is a JA+ bug. I have no idea if JA++ does amsleep, but if it does, it probably doesn't have that bug.


So basically either convince the JA+ developer to fix those bugs, or try JA++ instead.


I'm currently setting up a server.cfg for JA++ and I will switch to it today. I will use our clanmembers to report all bugs and missing things we find.


I thought it was some sort of hax such as BobaFett's. He could move from one place to another, but he was still slept.


I tried it out and it worked, without using hax just JKA cmds

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


BobaFett's 'hack utility' just exploits bugs in code. The multi-line chat is an exploit that exists in basejka, but patched server-side in most mods. Boba's tool just allows the client to exploit the bug easier.


The amsleep exploit is something that JA+ introduced, so it obviously doesn't affect basejka. That feature is broken in JA+ but it could be fixed.


BobaFett's 'hack utility' just exploits bugs in code. The multi-line chat is an exploit that exists in basejka, but patched server-side in most mods. Boba's tool just allows the client to exploit the bug easier.


The amsleep exploit is something that JA+ introduced, so it obviously doesn't affect basejka. That feature is broken in JA+ but it could be fixed.

Dunno, I figured out how to reproduce it but I guess nothing can be done about it.


If the server isn't using OpenJK, it could probably also be the donedl exploit.


The server IS using OJK. I can't switch to JA++ until you gimme hint to what I sent you in a MP

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!

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