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Should I upgrade my server? :3

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Hi guys, I'm in need of some opinions.


I'm currently running 10 JKA servers averaging 16 slots each on a VPS that has 2 cores, 3.2ghz. Only one is used to its max capacity, the rest usually have only 2 players at night.


It doesn't lag in the day but at night I usually see little spikes (Note that my night would be the equivalent of day where this VPS is located) and sometimes CPU % gets pretty high. Obviously some other client is shitting things up.


Now Christmas is coming and I want to organize a big gathering and this can't work out with the 30% chance that some other noob is gonna overuse their resource.


I have two options, rent a proper gaming server from Markmods with no guarantees that it won't lag (hell yea I've seen it lag!), restart without prior notice, zero support AND no secondary .exes.


My other option is to upgrade the VPS to a six core, 3.2ghz. Once again there's no guarantee it won't lag less. I'm thinking it might actually lag more because my VPS would be put together with other people who do video converting etc (why else would anyone need such a big VPS). Downside is that I cannot downgrade the VPS after Christmas.


What do you guys think? Price of both options in the short term is the same. RAM is no issue here. I wish it were cause it'd be cheaper to resolve.


zero support AND no secondary .exes

This shits me to no end. They are already running native code capable of all the security risks posed by alternative executables. They clearly don't understand what they're allowing/disallowing - if anything, running OpenJK is more secure, and the code is freely available for them to analyse, compile and has been peer-reviewed. Raven's executable has a plethora of security issues.


I would maybe look into Maverick Servers and Gaming. The admin lurks #JACoders and is probably negotiable for setting up a JA server. Their focus is on Quake and derivatives, I believe.

I have no idea on pricing, specs or location, but I've only heard good things about MSG. They seem friendly and level-headed.

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