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I ask that anyone that uses code from these follow the general guidelines of the GPL, except where permission is given otherwise.

Write access can be given to people who are interested in working on them, and aren't going to screw up my code :P

More code dumps/repositories/revisions to current repositories will be made available whenever I write more code, honest. All code is in C, unless otherwise stated. All of them were written for windows, though redsaurus does sometimes maintain a Mac version in a few of these repos. All of them were written using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, unless otherwise stated. I only just recently started using VS2010 more exclusively, so my more recent stuff will be using that from now on. Please make sure to read this before PMing me. Thank you.

If you use the code herein as a codebase for your project, or your project is a fork of it, I ask that you explicitly mention this in the project page and readme for your project, so that there is little confusion amongst players.


Gunslinger's Academy [very limited write access]:



JAMod (Unfinished):



JAIRC (spior's version is probably better at this rate) - IRC client within JA:



I honestly have no idea what this is:



JK2: HD [very limited write access] [Partial C++] [VS2010]:




How to download

The majority of these are configured on what is known as a Subversion Repository (or SVN, for short), and they do not have a .zip version to download. No need to despair though, as I'm going to teach you something which will make team-based coding a lot easier, kiddies. (stealing/borrowing my code isn't team-based coding, though :< ) So without further ado, here goes nothing.


First, you'll want some form of SVN client. I really recommend TortoiseSVN. Other clients work well too, but for the sake of this tutorial I'm going to be using TortoiseSVN with the Windows Explorer integration selected during the install. Your computer will need to restart in order for it to be fully installed. Do this.


Next, you'll want to clear out a space on your harddrive where you want the code to be downloaded to. Say you want the code to be in C:/Projects/JAIRC. Navigate to that directory (and/or make it). Next thing you'll want to do, provided you installed TortoiseSVN, is right click and hit SVN Checkout. It'll bring up a dialog box where it asks you for a repository URL. For the project, it'll be under the Source tab (Following the example for JAIRC, it would be located here.)


Below where it says "Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:", you'll want to copy it and paste it into the repository URL text box, but before you hit OK, you'll want to trim it down, since that's tuned for the commandline (You're just trying to get the address.) tl;dr, change this (example):


svn checkout http://jedi-academy-irc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ jedi-academy-irc-read-only

to this:




Hit OK.

It'll take a little while. Grab some coffee or something, you crazy programmer you.


Once it's done, you're good to go. I suggest you read more into Google Code (for public projects) / Assembla (for one private project), and the way SVN/Git/Mercurial/SourceSafe/whateverthehell works. It's very fascinating, and it's great for any sort of team project. I highly recommend it as part of your programming training regimen.


Oh, and when you change stuff in the code, the little green icons on everything will change to red. Easiest way to eliminate this problem is to delete all the .svn hidden folders in the code, saving space on your HD as well. I'm sure there's a option in TortoiseSVN for it too, but I couldn't tell you as I don't have my working PC operational yet ;)


Credits/Fun Legal Crap

The following coders/misc people deserve some sort of credit in some way or another, in no particular order: Raz0r, Scooper, Xycaleth, BobaFett, Didz, redsaurus, ensiform, Sir_General, spior, Deathspike, kingpin, Sheep, unic0rn, TheOneAndOnly, Tiger.

Libraries used: libudisx86, libcurl.

All code uses the SDK license, but I ask that people follow the general guidelines of the GPL unless they are given permission otherwise. This will prevent me from talking smack about you in IRC when you're not around getting upset with you.

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