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Opinion wanted on making a similar map as someone's

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There used to be this clan - non active now - that used a edited SP map in MP. They don't have a server nor members playing now.


Anyway this map is really good for weapons and Force, and I do want to edit the same SP map for that.


I'd like opinions on if I should, because I don't want to destroy relations with that clan. I'm considering asking them if it's okay that I do a similar one :S but will that make them think the map is theirs? And if other people wanted to do the same thing in future they might not be happy?


Also, what constitutes 'belongs to someone', JKA-wise? Mind you I'll be making it from scratch, they never gave their map out.




If we are talking about a Ravensoft map, then it doesnt matter. It doesnt belong to either of you, so they can hardly lay claim to it. You dont need their permission or blessing.

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