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Crash when adding favourites

Aldro Koon

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Does anyone know/have a fix for why when I go to Server List in MP and try to add a favorite server -> input IP -> press Add -> The game simply crashes to desktop and never manages to add it?
Jamp works properly in that regard but OpenJK does not.

This is with a clean as hell JKA and nothing inside of it, kind of strange behaviour.


Not happening here with either OpenJO or OpenJK(JKA) builds 

Neither eternal 

Aldro Koon likes this

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!

17 hours ago, dark soul said:

Not happening here with either OpenJO or OpenJK(JKA) builds 

Neither eternal 

Damn, completely clueless then. My game is as clean as can be... Oh well, thanks anyway!

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