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VSTR for bots

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Ok so I started write a bunch of VSTRs for my server yesterday, and it's almost complete. But for some reason my bot vstr isn't working the way it should be.

seta BOTS "say ^3Bots:^5_on,_off"

seta BOTS_ON "addbot tavion 5 s 0;wait 20;amrename tavion ^7D^1!^7oxi^0DE ^7Recruiting;wait 20;amforceteam 7D^1!^7oxi^0DE ^7Recruiting f;wait 20;amsleep 7D^1!^7oxi^0DE ^7Recruiting;wait 20;amtele 7D^1!^7oxi^0DE ^7Recruiting 229 284 984 0;wait 20;addbot tavion 5 s 0;wait 20;amrename tavion ^3* ^7NF, FF, Instagib, Strafe;wait 20;amforceteam visit s;wait 20;addbot "Kyle Katarn" 5 s 0;wait 20;amrename "Kyle Katarn" ^3* ^7dioxide.jkhub.org;wait 20;amforceteam dioxide.jkhub.org s"

seta BOTS_OFF "amkick ^7D^1!^7oxi^0DE ^7Recruiting;wait 20;amkick ^3* ^7NF, FF, Instagib, Strafe;wait 20;amkick dioxide.jkhub.org"

Well to put more specifically, the BOTS_ON vstr isn't working. BOTS_OFF works beautifully :) Whenever I would enter "/amvstr BOTS_ON", the server would do nothing. Does anyone have any idea on how I would correct this?

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Bit hard to work through all that to find the problem, but how about this slightly easier way of doing it:


somewhere in your server.cfg:

seta bots_on exec botson

a new botson.cfg

addbot tavion 5 s 0
amrename tavion ^7D^1!^7oxi^0DE ^7Recruiting
wait 200

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I'm not 100% sure how that cvar works. If you could also explain jk_fakeplayers and bot_minplayers cvars in-depth, that would be awesome :)


Not much to explain.


jk_fakeplayers "steve ;alan;bob"

should rename your first three bots to steve alan and bob for you. (you might not need the quotes, so try removing them if that doesn't work)


bot_minplayers 5

will add/remove bots to keep the number of players at five.

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Ah that makes sense. 1 question though... with bot_minplayers does this cvar count the number of players on the server or the number of players inside the free team? If all players were to go to spec, and bot_minplayers only counts players on servers... then that exploit can be used to crash the server.

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Yep it would crash. Lol.


Unless there's a fix, lets not go into detail about that...?

Well so far as I know nearly every server with bots uses this, and I have never heard of it causing a crash. So perhaps it is protected against whatever crash you speak of?

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