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Any way to get better frame rate on a raspberry pi 3b+?


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So I got openjk (academy and outcast) to work on a raspberry pi 3b+ but even with everything on low, when there is alot on screen the game starts to lose frames. I have found out that openjk (and I believe jedi academy and outcast in general) only uses on of the 4 cores of the pi making the game run on a single core clocked at 1,4GHz. Like the title says. Is there anything else I can do to improve performance?


So I got openjk (academy and outcast) to work on a raspberry pi 3b+ but even with everything on low, when there is alot on screen the game starts to lose frames. I have found out that openjk (and I believe jedi academy and outcast in general) only uses on of the 4 cores of the pi making the game run on a single core clocked at 1,4GHz. Like the title says. Is there anything else I can do to improve performance?


unless you run cmds like r_loabias 3 and stuff like that i doubt it will lower much more


why are you playing on pi?

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


Couple of things you can try in order of difficulty:


  • Play with all of the settings listed on this page (don't necessarily follow their recommendations though, you'll want the bare bone configuration).  Do the obvious stuff first such as reducing your resolution to 800x600 or smaller, disabling dynamic glow (r_dynamicglow 0), etc.
  • Overclock your raspberry pi, you can likely get more performance than a mere 1.4ghz for example if you use liquid cooling - however keep in mind that the chips are not designed to be overclocked and doing so will mostly likely ruin the pi especially if you don't have experience with overclocking.  See this for some ideas of how to get started.
  • Replace all of JKA's textures with half size textures or smaller.  eg: open up all the 512x512 textures and scale them down to 256x256, etc.
  • Recreate all the maps without a lightmap stage, etc.
  • Create a type of headless client by making the game simply not render anything at all.  Then close your eyes when you play and imagine what should be displayed for infinite fps.
  • Improve the openjk source code to take advantage of multiprocessing on different cores and upload it on github for everyone's benefit.  I believe ioquake3 has done some work in this regard, you might start there.  Also optimizing the renderer by removing cruft and improving some of the techniques used by the game to render things.  eg: The way the game renders scoreboards (when you press tab) is atrocious and could definitely be improved.  Please note that opengl2 es2 has issues and isn't implemented properly, thus Raspberry Pi's do not technically meet the games minimum requirements.

JKG Developer

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