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FJA RP Pack for OJP 1.2

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About This File


***** FJA ServerSide RolePlay Maps Pack for OJP *****




Author: French Jedi Academy

Website : http://french-jedi-academy.forumactif.org/

Release date : December 2015




*** Explications ***



I decided to release the Heart of FJA OJP Roleplay : source of our serverside modified maps.


There are files to add npcs, dialogs and events on several maps. the goal of this pack is to provide a "proof of concept", showing that we can create a living environnement roleplay for OJP.

This pack is a training tool to allow people learning how to create cinematics and add npcs.


There are :

- the pk3 containing the client side stuff (dialog item which replace the Ysalimari).

- the .ent modifications of maps. Theses files must be used with the latest OpenJK server exe. It will not work with jampded.exe because it uses the special feature of OpenJK, allowing to read the entities directly from the ent file.

You can always compile the ent files in the .bsp using GTK radiant if you wnat to use jamp.exe.

- the scripts needed for some cinematics and quests.


There are 4 maps, created by other authors, on which i added NPCs, dialogs, scripts and some events.



I give the sources for entity modding and scripting. NPCs dialogs are in French but you can change dialogs if you want (with entity modding).

This pack give you an example of possibility that OJP allow. This pack needs OJP to work correctly. You can try to use it with other mods but maybe it will not work correctly.

OJP allows to script ingame cinematic and to get longer center text displays.


You can get OJP here :




*** Descriptions ***



This pack adds an enhanced roleplay environment on 4 maps, with :

- walking NPC

- NPC with dialogs

- ingame cinematics and quests



* Alzoc3_enclave *

- NPC Jedis and Dialogs : discover the jedi life !

- If you are lost, speak to the droids.

- 2 Training rooms : vs jedi and vs storm. You must wait 5 min between two trainings (with short cinematic)

- Hangar for z-95



* ZorasDomain *

- 3 factions zones : Jedis' Fountain, Siths' Cavern and Mercs' Bar

- a Dangrous jungle : big howlers and savage mercs will attack you.

- Some ships

- Akahr Nator Quest : speak to the old man in the waterfall and try to kill the Howler Queen (with ingame cinematic)



* Theed *

- Only NPCs and dialogs. No special event for this map.

- secret Sith zone.

- Naboo guards zone.



* Sanctuary of the Forest *

- Discover the secret city of the wookies !

- Speak to wookie barman to get a beer !

- Wookie Council.

- Go to the Jungle and find the Cultist to help Siths to attack the Wookie City ! (with ingame cinematic)

- Fight to protect the city from Siths !




*** Installation ***



You must have OJP if you want that the scripts work correctly.



Client Installation :

- You must have OJP : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/

- You must have these maps in your base folder : Alzoc3_enclave, Sanctuary of the forest, ZorasDomain and Battle on Theed

Zoras Domain : http://jkhub.org/files/file/660-zoras-domain/

Alzoc3 enclave : http://rpmod.jediholo.net/gameasset/view/name/alzoc-3-enclave

Sanctuary of the Forest : http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/64987/

Battle on Theed : http://jkhub.org/files/file/465-battle-on-theed/

- You can put ojp_plugin-FJA_v1.2.pk3 in your ojpenhanced folder to replace Ysalimari items with Dialog items.


Server Installation :

- You must have OJP : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/

- You must have the latest version of OpenJK Ded Server.

- Put the "maps" and the "scripts" folders in you ojpenhanced folder.

- You must have these maps in your base folder : Alzoc3_enclave, Sanctuary of the forest, ZorasDomain and Battle on Theed

Zoras Domain : http://jkhub.org/files/file/660-zoras-domain/

Alzoc3 enclave : http://rpmod.jediholo.net/gameasset/view/name/alzoc-3-enclave

Sanctuary of the Forest : http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/64987/

Battle on Theed : http://jkhub.org/files/file/465-battle-on-theed/




*** Tutorial ***



You can add your own npcs and dialogs by modifying the .ent files :




"classname" "NPC_Jedi"

"NPC_type" "jedi_hm1" // type of the NPC

"origin" "-77 -628 0" // Coordinates of the npcs. You can use "amorigin" on japlus or "viewpos" in any mod to know coordinates.

"spawnflags" "32" // The NPC will do nothing.

"angle" "180" // Angle of the spawn.

"health" "9999" // To avoid players from killing the npc.



The dialog item :


"classname" "item_ysalimari" // with the pack, the Ysalimari are replaced with dialog item and the ForceBoon are replaced with exclamation items.

"noglobalsound" "1"

"wait" "8"

"count" "-1"

"origin" "-97 -628 -0" // Put a distance of 20 between the npc and the item.

"target" "CIBLE" // Must be the same than the "targetname" of the message.



The Dialog :


"classname" "target_print"

"targetname" "CIBLE" // must be the same than the "target" of the item

"message" "^3A'den Vopan :\n ^7Hello World !" // The Message to be displayed.

"wait" "4"

"spawnflags" "4" // the message will be displayed only to the player who took the item. Remove this line if you want all players to read the message

"origin" "-2559 1616 8" // Same coordinates than the dialog item.






OJP is able to run cinematics using Icarus scripting. A script can be run thanks to a npc "spawnscript" or a script runner.


Icarus commands :


set ( "ENABLE", "1" );

Launch the camera mode. All players are removed from the map and see the game through the camera eye.


set ( "DISABLE", "1" );

Stop the camera mode. All players return to their place.


set ( "MOVE", "< 6328 634 500 >, 2000" );

Move the Camera from his actual point to the coordinates, with a speed of 2000ms. Put 0 to "teleport" the camera.



set ( "PAN", "< 10 190 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );

These are the camera angles. You can keep < 0 0 0 > for the second entry.





*** EXEMPLE ***



Here is the example of the quests of the old man (waterfall of Zoras Domain)



*** The entities ***



// LE NPC du vieux sage

"spawnflags" "32"

"origin" "-3058 2249 -155"

"classname" "NPC_Jedi"

"NPC_type" "MorganKatarn"

"NPC_targetname" "vieuxsage"

"angle" "0"

"health" "9999"




"noglobalsound" "1"

"wait" "7"

"count" "-1"

"origin" "-3028 2249 -155"

"target" "cascade_vieuxsage_s"

"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage_item"

"classname" "item_force_boon"




"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage_s"

"usescript" "zoras/howlerboss_videospawn"

"count" "-1"

"origin" "-3028 2249 -155"

"classname" "target_scriptrunner"





"spawnflags" "32"

"origin" "3704 673 -2016"

"classname" "NPC_spawner"

"NPC_type" "howlerboss"

"angle" "180"

"count" "1"

"targetname" "howlerboss_spawn"

"NPC_targetname" "howlerboss"

"spawnscript" "Zoras/patrol_and_run"

"deathscript" "Zoras/howlerboss_death"

"showhealth" "1"


//Les phrases qui s'affichent à l'écran :


"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage1"

"message" "^3Vieil homme :\n^7Aidez-moi... Akahr Nator le destructeur s'est réveillé. J'ai essayé de le battre... mais sans succès..."

"wait" "4"

"origin" "-3025 2327 -105"

"classname" "target_print"



"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage2"

"message" "^3Vieil homme :\n^7Pour atteindre sa tanière, suivez le chemin serpentant dans la jungle. Vous trouverez l'entrée."

"wait" "4"

"origin" "6921 2374 -1075"

"classname" "target_print"



"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage3"

"message" "^3Vieil homme :\n^7Battez Akahr Nator ! Libérez ce monde de cette menace... "

"wait" "4"

"origin" "-3025 2327 -105"

"classname" "target_print"




*** the Script ***


rem ( "script de spawn et vidéo du Howler Boss : Akahr Nator" );

remove ( "cascade_vieuxsage_item" ); // j'enlève l'item qui flotte. De toute façon, ça n'arrête pas le script car c'est le target_scriptrunner qui l'a lancé et pas l'item.

rem ( "DEBUT DE LA VIDEO" ); // simple commentaire. Ne fait rien.

set ( "ENABLE", "1" ); // on passe en mode vidéo

set ( "MOVE", "< -3025 2327 -105 >, 0" ); //Je place d'abord la caméra où je veux

set ( "PAN", "< 0 260 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 0" );

use ( "cascade_vieuxsage1" ); // j'affiche le premier message plein écran

wait ( 500.000 ); // j'attends 0,5 secondes avant de commencer à bouger.

set ( "MOVE", "< -2873 2369 -105 >, 2500" ); //Je donne l'ordre de bouger.

set ( "PAN", "< 0 200 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );

wait ( 2600.000 ); //j'attends que la caméra ait fini de bouger avant de faire le second mouvement

set ( "MOVE", "< -2728 2308 -155 >, 2500" );

set ( "PAN", "< 5 180 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );

wait ( 2600.000 );

set ( "MOVE", "< -2666 2129 -155 >, 2500" );

set ( "PAN", "< 5 160 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );

wait ( 3500.000 );


set ( "MOVE", "< 6921 2374 -1075 >, 0" ); //Je déplace instantanément la caméra dans la jungle, pour suivre le chemin de la jungle.

set ( "PAN", "< 5 225 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 0" );

use ( "howlerboss_spawn" );// j'en profite pour spawner le boss

use ( "howlermini1_spawn" );

use ( "howlermini2_spawn" );

use ( "cascade_vieuxsage2" ); //j'affiche le second dialogue du vieux chnock.

set ( "MOVE", "< 6623 1387 0 >, 2000" );// là, ce sont les déplacements de la caméra dans la jungle

set ( "PAN", "< 10 270 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );

wait ( 2100.000 );

set ( "MOVE", "< 6328 634 500 >, 2000" );

set ( "PAN", "< 10 190 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );

wait ( 2100.000 );

set ( "MOVE", "< 5068 662 250 >, 2000" );

set ( "PAN", "< 20 180 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );

wait ( 2100.000 );

set ( "MOVE", "< 4938 692 -20 >, 2000" );

set ( "PAN", "< 90 180 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 1200" );

wait ( 3000.000 );


set ( "MOVE", "< -3025 2327 -105 >, 0" );// Retour de la caméra dans la caverne.

set ( "PAN", "< 0 260 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 0" );

use ( "cascade_vieuxsage3" );

wait ( 4000.000 );

set ( "DISABLE", "1" ); // Je désactive le mode caméra (TRES IMPORTANT)




*** Credits ***



I thank a lot Starkiller from FJA for all what he did for the Clan.


You can use, share and modify these files as long you provide credits to the original author.








This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 1.2


  • 1.2 - Removed all un-necessary files.

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