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Stalker of Tatooine - SP Customisation V3 Fixed

   (6 reviews)

5 Screenshots

About This File

This great model is by Darth Shiftee


Skin and icons are made by me


What's new? Well i add some things here is a list:

- ,,Stalker of Tatooine'' Skins default, blue and red

- I change a bit a saber (it is dirty a little bit)

-I upgrade skins ,they are shiny and the default one is changed (better i think)

- I add a npcs :

*stalker_tat - Default Tatooine Stalker

*stalker_tat_dark - Red Tatooine Stalker

*stalker_tat_light - Blue Tatooine Stalker

- I change a saber file a bit ... now it is over powered weapon and it has a desann style with new skills :P Check them

- Sp Support to the Stalker (IF IT WONT WORK I WILL KILL MYSELF!)

- bot support and thats all...


Credits : Thanks Darth Shiftee for a great model :)



-YOU SHOULD DOWNLOAD A DARTH SHIFTEE'S SITH STALKER FIRST!!! ==> http://jkhub.org/files/file/617-sith-stalker/

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version V3 Fixed


  • I have changed a skins to be a little shiny , defalut skin is changed and I have added a SP customanization

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I'm getting some major Pyramid Head vibes from this skin, and I'm loving it. Nice work man. :)

Langerd likes this


Thanks Mate :P It is my first serious skin i have ever made ... I am proud :)



Hey there!! gorgeous model!! i downloaded it and put it in my JKA gamedata/base folder but it won't show up on the character creation menu.  I downloaded shiftee's stalker and that one shows up, but the tatooine doesnt show up both when i have shiftee's in my folder and when I don't.  Help?

LordDesann likes this


Hey there!! gorgeous model!! i downloaded it and put it in my JKA gamedata/base folder but it won't show up on the character creation menu.  I downloaded shiftee's stalker and that one shows up, but the tatooine doesnt show up both when i have shiftee's in my folder and when I don't.  Help?

Same thing to me.....Its just the Original one and not this version



Sry for that... I have only problems with this skin... Shaders wont work sometimes and i see a comments above that sp support doesnt work :< I very very sry ... This is my first skin so i made some mistakes..



Sry for my mistake!

Listen just open the file go to the folder models/players/stalker_tatooine/ and add here a txt. file from sith stalker the same folder named playerchoice.txt . You must place it in models/players/stalker_tatooine folder and Viola ! The sp customanization should work :)

It's a Trap


Red version looks like he has blood all over him

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