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Posts posted by Malice

  1. Well since I've been floating around here and poking in and out asking questions, I suppose I should introduce myself...


    Hi, I'm Malice (and no, this is a recent name selection, I'm not so-and-so clan Malice or such-and-such clan Malice, I'm brand new as Malice...apparently I should have picked a better name on my return), I'm one of the 3 clan leaders at the new Sith Clan: The Final Chapter.

    I haven't been a "coder" per se, but I have hacked up some interesting stuff in .sab scripts to make different lightsaber "forms" and I've done quite a bit of skinning in the past. I've also done a lot of cvar testing back in the day and over the last year, and assist with server config/administration with TFC.

    Hope to find some useful stuff here, maybe even help someone with some testing or whatever. Mostly just here to stay connected with what's going on in the community.

    Cya guys around!

    =High Lord Darth Malice=
    =TFC - Circle of Lords=

  2. Seems we're running off the OJK ded executable now (did not have to run the binary), running JAplus, and actuallygot JASS configured to work...apparently that was half our problem, it wasn't working right. Seems that not only OJK may help with the flood protect and such, but it's also giving us a more optimized connection for many members. It's a Euro server, I was consistently getting about 140-180 ping. Now I'm a steady 120. :D

  3. That's good. I was hoping to provide more information for them, but unfortunately all I can tell is that they are somehow bypassing the flood protect with strings of punctuation from what I can tell, lots of ". . . ." stuff or whatever. It seems just the ASCII artscene style logo that was launched first is what did it, though perhaps they're using some sort of backloading thing in conjunction with it? Not really entirely sure how they are doing it, but it seems pretty basic and should be an easy fix if Raz0r has ideas about how they're doing it.

  4. I really wish I could. Our host could see them flooding and saw they were game cvars, but he couldn't tell which ones they were. They went by so fast. The logo had a lot of .(_). looking things in it though. I've seen other scripters flood with a bunch of those sorts of characters to bypass the flood protect before they hit with an attack.


    If there are more questions about this, I'm not sure what else I can tell you, though. This is all that happened, and all our mod info. JA+ has flood protect. JASS has flood protect. They flooded with cvar strings. So somehow they are bypassing flood protect. If others who have been attacked like this could post logs of the attack, it might help,. But unfortunately we're not capable of doing that, because it never hit our log.

  5. So our clan server, The Final Chapter, got a padawan connected that immediately scripted some ASCII that formed the TNG logo. Just before I could amban him because I knew something shady was coming, we were crashed by a cvar flood attack. We're using JA+ 2.3 combined with JASS 3.1.0 so we should have been protected from such a flood. Our server is privately hosted and not yet capable of instant logging so we don't have a log of the scripted flood. The host was watching realtime as it happened though and said it was just a stream of random cvars (not sure which ones, they went so fast).


    Any help on how to protect from this sort of attack in the future would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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