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Posts posted by Riyuk

  1. eh, another problem. I put textures on model, it looks good in 3dsmax preview, i exported file, opened in md3view, loaded .skin file aaaand...some parts on hilt arent covered with texture. What is funny, befere loading .skin file oposite parts arent textured on that part of model. Another problem is that after exporting to .glm i cant open it in modview, but it works in game, but earlier mentioned parts of texture are missing ;/

  2. Well, i've got a problem. I made hilt in 3DS max 8 cand i can't export it as MD3 without deleting some objects in it. When finally it is exported(without few elements), i cant open it in MD3 view. Error is: "Error loading mesh, found [strange signs] instead of IDP3". Could anyone help me? I can send 3dsmax file to someone who could fix this. If anyone can do this, contact me via xfire 39nitram93 or mail marcinjanus7@o2.pl

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