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Posts posted by ImperialRemains

  1. Well my bad.. that worked.. I had tried it once but, with a Win-disc copy probably not cracked as I have ISO for win launch. so it was erroring..

    that worked with my steam version.

    Actually it was erroring because it seems Steam does some other parameters for launching SP/MP that makes the code not work if it's a "non-steam" game. Tested with Steam jkja install.

    I was hoping to launch the mod separate from base Steam version, the copy I had separate was the Steam version afterall.

    NAB622 likes this
  2. I'm trying to figure out how to launch OJPEnhanced through Steam on the Deck. Without loading it after the game starts which even on windows causes it to not work 100%.

    I assume there is a way to convert the .bat code to .sh Unix code or some Launch arguments but I don't know how.

    .bat Code; start jamp.exe +set fs_game ojpenhanced

    I found a convert table but nothing for "start" or "+set"

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