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  1. first command is just "weapon" this removes your weapon the 2nd command is not "weapon_scepter" it is "give weapon_scepter" that gives you the scepter, worked for me!
  2. Version 1.2


    Adds 3 Sabers to the Storymode & Multiplayer Installation: Unzip and place .pk3 in Jedi Academy\GameData\base Scepter of Marka Ragnos cheat: saber scepter description: The Scepter Tavion has in story mode as Lightsaber, Very Strong Glory of the Sith cheat: saber glory description: More saberstyles available Reclamation cheat: saber reclamation description: Heavily edited Guardian double bladed Saber, can be wielded dual and wont deactivate the 2nd blade when thrown Dual Cheats saber reclamation reclamation saber scepter glory
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