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Everything posted by toeegg5112

  1. I got it to work I'm stiil not able to see the cusor but I can type and enter commandes I just have to make sure I type it carfuly as I can't see what I'm typing.
  2. It looks like the console may be cutting off.
  3. Is there a way to still use the console commands? I can brin the console up but can't type anything in it and I would like to use the commands to get the new weapons i.e. give weapon_e5.
  4. Got enhanced edtion working however build your lightsaber dosent seem to be working even though I moved the pak file out of optional I can see the list of differnt lightsabers ie luke asoka etc. however I can not edit any parts of the like it showes in the youtube video Also does the cheat menu not exist anymore bc i can't find it
  5. I am having trouble starting JA enhanced. sometimes I will get the defualt.cfg not found error but also a few times after attempting to match the shown foldor layout giving in another fourm post on defult.cfg I got it to start through the ja_enhanced.x86 but it started as a reguler game not the enhanced version. attached are screenshots of all my file layouts
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