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SaitoHajime's Achievements

  1. 27 downloads

    This is a Saito Hajime model based on the Anime/Manga Rurouni Kenshin. Included are 2 models: Saito as a police officer and Saito wearing Shinsengumi wear. Included are taunts and sounds extracted from the anime. So I was waiting patiently for the RKRedemption mod to be released and since It was never released and was cancelled. I decided to just create a skin. Hopefully this skin will be somewhat exciting for those who waited for the mod alongside me. While I would have rather had a Saito based off either the real-life saito or the NHK shinsengumi saito. I figured they wouldn't be quite as popular and that this would be a nice alternative. Please enjoy the skin everyone! CREDITS**: Thank you Lucas Arts for providing the Chiss model. Jimesus_evil for creating the Samurai models. Nobuhiro Watsuki for creating Rurouni Kenshin! Without these people I wouldn't have been able to create the model quite the way I wanted!
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