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Posts posted by Me'sku

  1. Hello JKHUb community. I was curious if someone could help by modeling a Bothan character for me, please? I have a bothan model already made. I just need to add some facial features; hair, beard and fur. (I tried to not make this post at all possible, because I know how hard it can be to weight a model, so's to ask a complete stranger for help.. Well, it's kind of rude, IMO. But I'm here as a last resort!) And add the head onto a model?


    Here are the references and idea's.




    The skin I would like to use.



    I find it a nice fit for a bothan species. Just chop the head off and place this model's head onto it, please? Bothan.


    As for the modeling part. I just would like to look more adult, with darker fur and a beard that extends from my ear to the front on each sides, having a break almost to the chin. And more hair on the top. My model I am using now is for a young bothan without any of that. And esth is aging, he'll be a LOT more furry, I am thinking. So just wanted to see if its possible to make him look more poofy with thick fur? The image im trying to go for is this: BothanNEGAS.jpg


    Please? :)

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