Version Beta
I started this as my final masterpiece in JK3 mapping... But as I was looking into optimization and playing with entities, the reason I still played JK3 disappeared, and with that so did the will to continue the project. This has been sitting on my harddrive for months, and I may as well release it. Hell, if there's enough interest... By now I'm convinced the Asteroids Mod is dead and buried, but if there's enough interest I -might- finish a baseJKA version, or something. Anyways. Description. Asteroid base deep in space. I used to have an in-character backstory but I lost it. Four hangars, two of them stocked with various ships (rebel and imperial make), one with a lambda-class shuttle, and one with an old yt-1300. Hangar doors can be open and shut, imperial ships are hang-docked (hold down turbo boost when undocking in one unless you like smashing into the floor) and the turrets outside will open fire on you if you damage them. Due to not being finished it's missing some things like a lockdown mechanism on the falcon to keep people from abusing it, a complete cantina/sleeping quarters, polished lighting, outside features, bunch of extra things I was going to throw in, and VIS optimization. Nevertheless it's (kinda) playable, and an example of where spaceship maps should, imho, have gone. Enjoy.