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  1. It really is too bad you are having trouble with you latest map, it would definateley be the best out of every map you have ever created before, I wish I could help with your mapping problems
  2. Those vehicles look really cool and they would really enhance your game play. I personally would very much enjoy flying around in one of them for hours on end.
  3. I can never seem to get shaders to work in my maps, I always just use the base textures, but this gets annoying sometimes...
  4. I deleted my old version and reinstalled GTK Radiant again, and it worked fine, but now my .map files are not saving anywhere
  5. What should I do about this error? My GTKRadiant doesn't work when this shows up, and I have a great idea for a map but can't make it. Please help
  6. I really wish I could help, it would be awesome to see those models in action. I hope you can find a good animations person Vegeta, your map will be so much better with them.
  7. Those models will really enhance your game, i would make them myself but i have no experience in modeling whatsoever. Good luck.
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