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    Texture Artist
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    Windows 10

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    ✿ moonpie ✿#4507

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  1. Ooh! If you do decide to do it, its no rush. It's honestly great to hear you wanted to do it!
  2. Yeah! Honestly, I'd be happy with the hips, waist, and bust being scaled, and swapping the voice files for the female version lol
  3. I'm aware that this thread is a little old, but I can probably do voice acting! I'm a 17 year old girl, though I'm told I sound a lot younger, so I'm not sure if thats what you're looking for or not. Here's my discord if you're interested: ✿ moonpie ✿#4507
  4. Hello! Jedi Academy was my childhood star wars game, and I still play it a lot to this day. My favorite species is kel dor, but theres only a male version in the game. I'm a girl, so I've always been disappointed that in order to play as my favorite species, I'd have to play as a male one. It would really mean the world to me if someone made a female version of the kel dor. I'm really fond of this vanilla mask, so if anyone does decide to take this request, it would be really sweet if this mask was useable! https://imgur.com/a/Bwg1fci
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