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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    windows 10

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  1. B.A.T.


    Hello, obviously new here, looks like a cool community. A little about me, I've played all the Jedi Knight/dark forces titles when they were released, I remember learning to networking our computers for DF JK expansion just to be able to Vooowing lightsabers and force poweres at my friend's for the first time ever. Was a huge fan of dueling in academy, Forced Mod 3 in specific (which doesn't look too have withstood the test of time). but after a long hiatus, and continual disappointment in battlefront 2 to deliver that epic feel of voowinging one or more opponents into pieces landing while instantly putting away my saber and casually strolling away looking for the next fight..... That being said, I've literally dusted off my old CDs and want to Vooowing once again, what's the best JKA experience to be had currently? I remember playing MB2 and or MD mods back in the day and feeling they were a bit stiff for my liking (in comparison to Fmod3.) I was one of the people sorely disappointed when they patched kicking in mp and I loved the down and dirty of it all. I also liked the attempt FMod3 tried to make balancing~ the various classes. playing a Mandalorian felt rewarding when you could overwhelm a Jedi Master with level 4 force powers. I'm no stranger to role playing in general but am mainly interested in the best Vooowing experience. Look forward to your input and thanks!
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