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    Jack of all Trades

Sorrow's Achievements

  1. Awesome, Great Job!
  2. Awesome, that's exciting.
  3. As many of you on this site know that the Rich Diesel tutorial has several missing images and such. I would like to share my backup of his site that I had made before it went away. It has all the pages, all the images, everything. Here you go. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ajkq72cqldr1ch7/Rich_Diesel Now you've just got to pick out and move the missing images into your version. Example Page with missing images: http://web.archive.org/web/20081228123403/http://www.richdiesal.map-craft.com/tutorials/br201lsn6.html
  4. Hey I was looking around the internet to see if anyone else had Rich Diesels tutorial copied, and this was the only place that was close to having the full set. I had downloaded everything off of his site a long time ago in case it ever went down and it looks like it was a good idea. If you would like I can upload all of the files into a zip and host it somewhere for you to download. It has all of the images, pages, resources from the site. EDIT: http://www.mediafire.com/?ajkq72cqldr1ch7 <-- link to my resources I'm Sorrow from AFL, if any of you guys feel like hanging out we've been looking for excuses to play Jedi Academy more often.
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