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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
    Skeleton Rigging
  • Gaming Specialty
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1

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  1. I have the same problem. I have no other mods in base and gamedata. Game "stopped working" crashes. I installed every part and patch included from Moddb page. Few times I got shader error which gave ma a log file (I put part of it below): but generally now i dont get logs, my game just crashes when I try to play any mission/map.
  2. Hi. I have big problem. I am now using BlenderJAPluginSuite0.2.2 (Previously I used blender-2.7-ghoul2-plugin-master and had different error) When I try to export glm model I get error that one of the mesh/object (probably not one but more because once I got the same error for other mesh) has uv - seam. Error message indicated that it was one of my LOD 0 meshes. I checked it. In edit mode in edge mode. There was none UV - seams. I am 100% sure. I don't need complex uv mapping because my model only use textures which has 1 colour so I even tried to delete uv mapping and making new. I tried also do mark all edges as not seam/clear seams. Nothing worked so far. I need help. EDIT: Ok I think the problem is that this is outdated version of plugin. New has no uv seams problem in description. In version for Blender 2.79 ( I am using 2.79 Blender) I have different error which had another forum member and it looks like this: https://ibb.co/xJ7HRps It happens when i try to export GLM EDIT 2: Temporary solution is to open blend file in Blender 2.81 with new version of JAPlugin and export. I get other errors unfortunately (but in game and Modview not during export). I start making model from beggining and maybe I will avoid this. I hope...
  3. I have the same problem. What is the solution? Ok. I deleted blender-2.7-ghoul2-plugin-master and installed BlenderJAPluginSuite0.2.2 Now i have different error -.- I will start new topic probably.
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