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Posts posted by zicmak

  1. Just want to know, is there an easy way to get the gun to show up properly in first person, with the correct angles, or is it all trial and error?

                                                                                                     Please Say yes


  2. I'm assuming that splitting at the seams is for multiple uv maps, which I don't want. I've even made the model a few more times from scratch, and I keep getting the error, even when I don't do the split for a sharp edge thingy (You don't have to have a uv split for it to work, right? like is it a must have or a personal preference?) . Also, what is happening when the model goes all, well, dotty on certain faces? Every time I seem to fix that it happens some where else.

  3. Finally getting around to trying to model in blender, and it seems to be going okay so far, except that when ever I try to export to glm, it says Error: Could not open gla for Bone index look up. I have added an armature to the model, weighted and all, and named it skeleton_root, so maybe there was a step I missed?


    So yeah, help would be very, very nice :D



  4. I think that the holsters are bolted to the back tag when ever you use them. I am also pretty sure that the Jetpack model is bolted to the chest, and is not actually part of every model. Just play around with modview and try bolting holsters/jetpack to the chest/back tags.


    I could be wrong, but that is just how it seemed to me, hope it helps. 

  5. Perhaps the button shouldn't be a solid color, especially a solid black... Doesn't really make it look like it belongs there, ya know?

    It isn't black




    (The Stripes are caused by the shiny shader)



    The button is black on the others because it is in modview (although, if there is a way to have shaders in modview, can some please tell me :D), it actually glows in game... (yeah, I could of probably explained it better before) 

  6. Oh, right... Well, I am doing my best to keep the poly count as low as possible without looking like it is made out of a square. 


    Compared to version 2, it has more vertices, but that is due to the glass and sides being added...

    Compared to Version 1, I think It would have less... maybe, have't check in a while.


    By the way, how do the base glass shaders work? (And more ideas for something to add would be good :P)

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