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Wettergren (Vet)

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Tutorial Comments posted by Wettergren (Vet)

  1. Okay.. So i think i got why it didn't work.. I assume it does only work on MP maps?

    In which case, how can i make it, so NPCs will follow me THROUGHOUT the map, and not just when i am within 15-25 yards/meters?


    Like if you spawn NPCs into the "t1_sour" mission, they will find you everywhere in the map

    As opposed to spawning NPCs in any custom game?

  2. Botroutes are for bots only and only work in MP. NPCs are not the same as bots. So no, this won't work for NPCs. Your question is related to scripting and should be posted in a new thread in the modding assistance forum.


    I believe you are absolutely correct, but to be honest, i don't really want to spend that much time, working out how scripts work, as they are not that important to mapping (except elevators and such)

  3. Anyone else having issues with creating a .roq video, but cannot find the right program to do so,
    the following can be used very easily, and with quite a lot of optional, but nice settings:

    - YTD (YouTube Downloader, by GreenTree Applications)
    In order to create a video, simply follow this step-by-step guide

    1 ) Open YTD and navigate to "Convert"
    2 ) Drag your video into YTD (most movie formats are accepted), I used an .avi file
    3 ) Click on "Convert to"
    4 ) Select "Manual Convert (...)"
    5 ) Click the red "Convert"-button
    6 ) When prompted to enter the input data, you are able to change some things, these being marked with Bold.
    YTD also gives some information on some of the abbriviations.

    The original code looks something like this


    ffmpeg -i %1 __________ -strict -2 -vf scale=420:-1 -r 14 -b:v 50k -ar 44100 -ab 56k -ac 1 %2.mp4

    You must now change it to the following:


    ffmpeg -i %1 -s 512x512 -strict -2 -vf scale=420:-1 -r 30 -b:v 50k -ar 22050 -ab 56k -ac 1 %2.roq

    -s decides the height & width of the output (.roq) file (default size is determined by the input file). The size MUST be in the form of the ^2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, going higher than 512 can create some unforeseen issues)
    -r decides the frame-rate, you'll normally want this to be 28-30 fps, but in case you have to compress the video size, you may want to go down to 15-20 fps (This obviously doens't work on videos that has a specific fps, like movies)
    -ab decides the audio-bandwidth, this will also decrease or increase the file size
    -ar decides the sound frequency, in order to create a .roq video, this value MUST be 22050 Hz
    .roq decides the file output, in this case, it MUST be .roq

    7 ) Now click "Okay"
    8 ) This bit might take some time, depending on your file size, for comparrison, my video was 3:25 long, and had a file size of 99.9 MB, it took roughly 30 min. to convert
    9 ) Enjoy ?
    9a ) a note on the 512x512 dimensions, the movie will be stretched by JKA itself, so don't worry if you open the .roq file in VLC and think it looks wierd ?

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