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File Comments posted by Yoda

    Sith Stalker

       1,498    5

    i have a same model form filefront and it can be play in single in the jka, i dont know if its posible to play in jk2 single :S.

    in this case it would be cool if some one can make a ceremonial jedi robed version to :D

    http://images.wikia....di_Robes_01.jpg http://fc06.devianta..._by_NoOne00.jpg it looks epic

    and this to :Phttp://img.photobuck...011-d4xi6rq.png http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/115/d/1/star_wars_the_force_unleashed___starkiller__jedi__by_mrgameboy2011-d4xi6rq.png

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