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The Senate

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Everything posted by The Senate

  1. Ah, I didn't realize that. Thanks for letting me know...The problem is indeed with my CIS skins file, when I try to open it via 7zip it tells me that it cannot open it as an archive...I've looked into the files you provided, downloaded a new one, and it worked like a charm! Thank you very much! Edit: I also compared the sizes between my file and your new one, and there was a 20 MB difference with yours being the larger one...
  2. So when I start the First Phantom Menace mission with Qui Gon, Obi Wan and Darth Maul, Maul is a stormtrooper with Maul's red double-saber...I look around and notice that I have file called "KotF_NPC_JEDI_SITH.pk3" but not a "KotF_Skins_JEDI_SITH.pk3" so I assume this is the problem since all other Separatist Alliance characters have missing skins but they themselves are in the game...as stormtrooper like Grievous, Dooku, Ventress etc. I run the updater and it says that it updated the game successfully but still no Skins file...I try deleting "KotF_NPC_JEDI_SITH.pk3" and updating, and guess what... It downloads the NPC file but once again, no Skins file...If someone could just send me that single file, my problem would be solved! I don't have a clue as to how this happened, it could be my fault, I don't know...I followed every step clearly on a fresh Jedi Academy game with no mods...
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