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Posts posted by mrwonko

  1. On 4/1/2024 at 12:01 AM, TheFoxTrotte said:

    For some reason making a zip with 7zip and renaming it doesn't work but thiss does !!

    In principle, 7zip should also work, but you have to be careful not to create a .7z file, it has to be an old-school .zip.

    But if Pakscape works for you, it's probably easier to simply stick to that.

    Maui likes this
  2. You cannot move the bones, all player models share the _humanoid skeleton and have to conform to it. Besides, you don't need to move bones to attach the model to them, you need to weight the model, i.e. define which vertex is affected by which bone. Since this needs to be quite precise for facial animation, weight painting may be the best option.

  3. In the Ghoul 2 properties, I don't think the name is supposed to end in _0. Compare that one to a working model to check. Usually the _0, _1 etc. suffixes are only there to disambiguate the objects, but all LODs have the same G2 name with no LOD suffix.

  4. No, you cannot change the lightmap using entity modding. The only way to get rid of it is to use a fullbright shader that ignores the lightmap, but a) that's going to look terrible and b) there probably aren't any existing fullbright shaders for the textures you want to use, and you cannot add new shaders through entity modding.

  5. Does the underwater fog still work? I assume the blue character is related to that somehow, since it's also blue.

    bespin/water2 has fogparms configured to give it that blue fog, while caulk_water does not configure any fog, so I'm not sure which takes precedence when you mix both on a brush.

  6. "Extracted" makes it sound like you downloaded a zip. Please learn to use Git instead, so that you can keep track of your changes better, and undo them if necessary.

    Yes, I was talking about the name of jk2gamex86.dll. That sounds like the correct one, don't change it.

    x86 means 32 bit. To use a 32 bit/x86 jk2game dll, you need a matching version of OpenJO, I think the executable should be called something like openjosp.x86.exe (the x86 being the important bit), is that what you're using?

    "Release" is okay, "Release With Debug Symbols" is better if you get something wrong and need to debug. You probably should not use "Debug", as it enables a lot of extra error checks, which tend to fail and interrupt your game with error messages about unrelated things.

    Did you check the ingame logs with Developer 1 like I suggested?

  7. Having your own folder for your mod is not a bad idea, it helps you stay organized, and if you can select it in the menu, you're probably doing it right. As far as I remember, dlls don't necessarily need to be in a pk3 to work, but it definitely doesn't hurt.

    The most likely cause for a dll not being loaded is that it has the wrong name. Either because you renamed it yourself (then undo that), put it in the wrong folder, or because you're trying to use a 32 bit mod with a 64 bit engine or vice-versa, in which case you need to compile the correct version instead.

    Once the file has the right name, the ingame log should contain more information about whether it's being used, especially when you set developer 1.

  8. For animations, you can also do a lot with shaders! By overlaying up to eight layers, you can mask out areas, have moving/pulsing images, and do all kinds of neat things. As far as I know, shaders should work the same in menus as they do in maps.

    I think 4096x4096 is the largest texture size I've heard of people using successfully, and there shouldn't be much need to go further.

    Good luck!

    STOIK likes this
  9. The menus use a virtual 640x480 canvas that gets stretched to whatever resolution the user is actually using. So to always look correct, you need one version of the menu for each aspect ratio. But I think you can do the image squishing in the .menu file, you don't need to squish the texture itself?

    A menu editor is high on my priority list, but I don't know when I'll get around to it.

    STOIK, Kitsu-NeshKaa, Botdra and 1 other like this
  10. Quote

    Are they infinite? How is that possible?

    Dark science. Cloning.

    Or, on a more technical level, an npc_spawner with count -1 can spawn an unlimited number of NPCs. We'd have to check the entities in the map to know for sure.

    As for the sand worms, the intended solution is to avoid/distract them, not to defeat all of them. I imagine the faster variant is there as way to keep you from running out of the level. Again, we'd have to check how the level is built and what the corresponding source code looks like to know for sure.

  11. In Jedi Outcast, the surface is disabled in the .glm file and then turned on using the npcs.cfg file.

    In Jedi Academy, the .glm typically has all surfaces enabled, and then selectively disables them using the .skin file. I suspect there is no way to turn them on using only the .skin file, you'll likely need to modify the .glm.

    So download the latest version of the Blender tools from Github, import the .glm (refer to the manual for the required folder structure so it can find the corresponding .gla), go into the object properties of each hidden surface, find the Ghoul 2 Properties and untick the "off" checkbox, then re-export the .glm.

    RobiWanKen0bi likes this
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