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Posts posted by AoFoXx

  1. Ok, thanks for the responses :) I will be playing singleplayer with bots a lot, but I'd like to try like multiplayer with bots and one or two friends as well, so that's why I asked :) Working bots on almost all (if not all) of the maps would be great ^^ 


    Still, great mod guys, thank you  :luke:

  2. Hey,


    I downloaded your mod a few days ago (I got nostalgic after seeing The Last Jedi trailer :D) and noticed a weird NPC behaviour on some maps (I played only FFA). They just seem to pile up at one place and jump around. Although it looks spectacular, all those lightsabers moving and clashing at one place, it's almost impossible to kill somebody. For example on map Duel of the fates, they're all in the hangar just jumping and trying to swing at each other. Unfortunately, this makes the game unplayable on some maps, as you are not able to get a single kill. It's a pity because some of those maps are very well done, but if you go behind a corner or a door, you won't meet anybody to slice and you get bored.


    Otherwise, awesome work, keep it up!!!  :winkthumb:  :winkthumb:  :rolleyes:

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