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Posts posted by nikekaze

  1. @ therfiles. It is a play by post community. The focus is mostly writing an interactive story with the characters you create, with interaction as key motive. While play-by-post can be a bit messy, it is also one of the more immersive ways of playing. The focus rests less on the powers, when more on the characters you create.


    @@MagSul. Sounds great, feel free to come by. We're still just fresh and getting started, but i'm rather confident we'll get a good memberbase running soon considering I'm in the process of vividly advertising the boards.

  2. holofin.png

    Hey There!

    Long story short, The Holocron is a fresh of the bat Star wars Community aiming to invite all SW fans for general lounging, chatting and ofcourse Text-Roleplaying. Feel free to come around and take a visit. Overall, we're just looking for members who feel like getting their RP fix, without having

    to invest as severely as it is required on JKA-RP servers.


    So If you like to write your own stories from time to time, and are looking forward to meet new people, then feel free to visit us.


    The Plot is located in the Post-Legacy Era and is meant to be as open as possible to enable people to play whatever they virtually wish to, 

    aslong it remains within normal RP etiquette (No god-modding/Mary Sueing/metagaming/ and so on).

    That's about it. Have a Nice day and see you soon hopefully on the Holocron o.-

    therfiles likes this
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