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Posts posted by Glaxer

  1. I also have three more voice packs for Count Dooku, Mace Windu, and Yoda. 


    They use audio from the actual Star Wars Movies (w/out background noise!), the Clone Wars TV show, the Clone Wars video game, the Revenge of The Sith video game, Battlefront II, The Force Unleashed, and the Lego Star Wars video game, as well as some other sounds effects scavenged from the internet to get their breathing, grunting, and falling sounds right. 


    The audio is pretty consistent, high quality, and varied with four different taunt quotes, four different victory quotes, and three different gloat quotes.


    Count Dooku: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4yd1ofu9tzma2q6/Dooku_Voice.zip


    Mace Windu: http://www.mediafire.com/file/74vjloa411onocp/MaceWindu_Voice.zip


    Yoda: http://www.mediafire.com/file/a2okbvgc7hjc0e2/Yoda_Voice.zip

  2. I have an Ahsoka Tano voice pack I thought I'd share. It uses voice clips from the Clone Wars, some Ashley Eckstein interviews, the Lego Star Wars game, the movie Only Yesterday, and even Jedi Outcast/Academy itself.


    I did a lot of work with noise reduction and pitch adjustment; so the voice sounds pretty clear and uniform. The audio's not perfect, but the flaws aren't noticeable in-game, especially over the lightsaber hum.



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