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Wayward Son 73

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Everything posted by Wayward Son 73

  1. Thinking aloud, is there a .ini or something that contains the list of colors that can be generated by the "random" command? Am I oversimplifying this? I'm a serious noob, like two hours ago I started getting into this.
  2. I've been looking around for how to make this happen but no luck so far. I found the console command for picking up dropped sabers and thought it'd be neat to just use whatever gets dropped throughout missions, but the problem is every saber-wielding enemy just uses red and that's kinda boring. How would I go about randomizing the colors wielded by enemies, and maybe even making saber wielders more common? Obviously I'd want there to still be normal enemies but a few extra duelists sprinkled in would be cool. I figured something out, I copied the .npc file for cultist_saber and added the line "saberColor random" beneath "saber reborn" then just pasted that file back into the npcs folder within assets1.pk3 This worked, when I spawned the npc using console, I spawned three just to be sure. Two had orange sabers and one had a green. So this will work, just have to do it for every saber wielding foe, named characters aside. Only concern now is that red won't be included in that random, since random is used for the random jedi npc who likely would not have red. I'd prefer no red t only red, but red as a possibility would be nice. Also, I'm feeling like there's a better way for me to do this, like bundling all the npcs I change into a .pk3 but with the same names so it overwrites, and then just dropping that in Base. But that didn't work when I tried it with just the one cultist, so probably not, right?
  3. I figured something out, I copied the .npc file for cultist_saber and added the line "saberColor random" beneath "saber reborn" then just pasted that file back into the npcs folder within assets1.pk3 This worked, when I spawned the npc using console, I spawned three just to be sure. Two had orange sabers and one had a green. So this will work, just have to do it for every saber wielding foe, named characters aside. Only concern now is that red won't be included in that random, since random is used for the random jedi npc who likely would not have red. I'd prefer no red t only red, but red as a possibility would be nice. Thoughts?
  4. I've been looking around for how to make this happen but no luck so far. I found the console command for picking up dropped sabers and thought it'd be neat to just use whatever gets dropped throughout missions, but the problem is every saber-wielding enemy just uses red and that's kinda boring. How would I go about randomizing the colors wielded by enemies, and maybe even making saber wielders more common? Obviously I'd want there to still be normal enemies but a few extra duelists sprinkled in would be cool. Thanks!
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