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  1. Really enjoyed this med, definitely makes lightsaber duels feel more like the movies works great in JK2
  2. Hey thanks for the reply I've done a bit of research on Redemption and it sounds amazing but to be honest I'm not looking for a Total Conversion as they all ways seem to have a few features that you don't want (everyone has their personal preferences I guess) and it would probably clash with my own mods. I see they added the ability to knock over portable sentry's with force push which would also be a great addition to gameplay (never seemed fair that dark jedi could knock your sentry's flying but even at level 3 you couldn't touch theirs). My next step might be to get in touch with Eezstreet's or the JKEnhanced team and see if they might be willing to do something low key for me, thanks again
  3. I've recently returned to playing Jedi Outcast and it's been a blast but one thing has been bugging me and it's the way corpses disappear so quickly in game. In Jedi Academy this can be changed with the corpse_removaltime console command which unfortunatly doesn't work on Outcast. I recently asked one of the original developers on a jkhub forum and he said that while the script isn't in Outcast it should be able to be ported from Jedi Academy. My problem is that I'm a noob modder and I wouldn't know where to start with a mod like that. Is anyone out there interested in having a go? I think it'd add a lot to the gameplay of Outcast and it sounds like something other people have been interested in as well.
  4. In Jedi Academy the amount of time that the bodies of dead NPCs remain on screen can be changed with g_corpseRemovalTime command, but I was wondering if there is a similar console command or script change for the amount of time dead NPCs remain in Jedi Outcast?
  5. Hi guys I'm working a mini mod for SP to change the primary projectiles for the Heavy Repeater to be blue with a glow effect instead of plain yellow (a bit like the original one from Dark Forces) but I cant seem to change the muzzle flash animation to a new blue one. Instead I get no muzzle flash animation but everything else works perfectly. Any tips or ideas would be much appreciated as I cant see where I've gone wrong. Cheers
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