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Posts posted by atat-fiveone

  1. I seem to have an issue: I am unable to use my Jedi Academy weapons by pressing left mouse button, which somehow acts like mouse wheel down now. in other words, my sabres will not swing and my guns will not fire regular shots. Even after I added and removed three NPC and SP skin files and one menu customizations pack and reinstalled my copy twenty-three times, nothing changes. Is there somehow an error the game enacted? Does anyone know how to fix this?

  2. I seem to have an issue: I am unable to use my Jedi Academy weapons by pressing left mouse button, which somehow acts like mouse wheel down now. in other words, my sabres will not swing and my guns will not fire regular shots. Even after I added and removed three NPC and SP skin files and one menu customizations pack and reinstalled my copy twenty-three times, nothing changes. Is there somehow an error the game enacted? Does anyone know how to fix this?

  3. I was forced to come here by a certain anonymous coder who believes that my situation is impossible and has never happened to anyone who played Jedi Academy. I have a problem with the weapons, which involves left mouse button having the same function as mouse wheel down; I am unable to fire regular shots from a weapon and I cannot swing my lightsabre. I have downloaded three NPC files, a Starkiller SP skin, and a TFU menus pack, and I could not play the game as I once could prior to the menus pack. I deleted it, and my situation has not improved. I reinstalled the game, and still nothing good. I removed the NPC and SP files and reinstalled, but same result: unable to fire/swing. Before anyone thinks that the menu pack had anything to do with this, take notice that I said that it did not. Is there any way to fix this serious issue that happens more often than implied?

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