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  1. This may seem like a simplistic question, but I can't seem to find a simple answer anywhere. I'm using Ultimate Weapons mod to lightly enhance the aesthetics of the ranged weapons, and otherwise I'm running vanilla. What I want to do is modify all of the weapons (Ranged and Saber) to be more "realistic". There's probably a dozen other mods that aim for something like this, but I have a very specific way I want it done. First, I want to know how to modify damage of all weapons, including sabers themselves. If possible, also modify how much more, if any, damage a headshot can do. Next, I want to know how to change how NPCs use weapons, as in the past I have modified rate of fire and accuracy of weapons, only to have Stormtroopers use them in their vanilla performance. // WP_REPEATER{weapontype WP_REPEATERweaponclass weapon_repeaterweaponmodel models/weapons2/heavy_repeater/heavy_repeater.md3weaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_repeaterammotype 4ammolowcount 25energypershot 1firetime 50range 8192altenergypershot 8altfiretime 800altrange 8192barrelcount 1missileFuncName repeater_funcaltmissileFuncName repeater_alt_funcaltmissilesound sound/weapons/repeater/alt_projectileloop.wavmuzzleEffect repeater/muzzle_flashaltmuzzleEffect repeater/altmuzzle_flashselectSound sound/weapons/repeater/select.wavselectforce fffx/weapons/repeater/select} Let's use this for an example. I tried adding "damage" and "altdamage" lines below selectforce, like in a tutorial on this forum for adding new weapons, but upon saving the file with it, it doesn't actually save it. When I open the file back up, the lines are removed. I haven't touched pakscape in a couple years, so I don't know if I did something wrong or the game is somehow correcting the file to remove the lines. When I initially tried this, I couldn't find out how to change damage the first time, so I went through and changed EVERY SINGLE NPC IN THE ENTIRE GAME to have less HP as compensation...
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