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File Comments posted by zappityzapzap

  1. Thanks! I am glad you liked it. I will not be available for the next few days but I check from time to time from my phone. If you have a better image of Outcast that the one in the book cover, I (or any of the amazing talented artists here at the Hub) can try.

    Ah, there's been a slight misunderstanding. What I meant if that there's any way to transfer this model and skins to Jedi Outcast. I tried doing it myself, first by rerigging the skeleton (which I think I did right), but then when I tried to actually replace Luke's model, I either got a textureless Stormtrooper, an invisible model, or, in the worst case, an outright crash. So if you could help me with this, or at least point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.

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