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  1. Yes, I was only modifying the menu files. Thanks for the help Jace; I edited sdl_window.cpp, compiled OpenJK, and edited both setup.menu and ingamesetup.menu, but the resolutions aren't listed in the menu and the screen is still stretched as well as the HUD. I'd like to mention that the only .menu files I included this time were setup and ingamesetup.
  2. I'm working on a mod that will display the HUD properly with a 16:9 widescreen resolution instead of resizing the textures to stretch properly, but I'm having issues with getting it to output the image properly. I started with the logo and background in the main.menu file and used this formula for the rect command: X+80 Y W-160 H I've managed to get it to display a 4:3 image, but it hasn't stretched things properly. Any clue for what I might be doing wrong? Also, is it possible to change the color of the bars on the sides to black? How it normally looks How it looks with my mod
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