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  1. So... Since I have to mess with the shader files, I assume that I won't be able to force this clientside if the modified map + shaderfile is only on the server. Damnit but maps without fog will still work presumably. I'll try it out later! Thanks
  2. Brush distance also continue to stays the same. But maybe it is because t1_rail has a fog effect? As for changing cfg, you can't increase entity render distance there. Even if it was possible, I want to keep everything strictly serverside Thanks anyway! You were helpful with figuring out the skybox stuff
  3. I changed it like you described but entity render distance didn't change. And thanks for the link, I'll check it out!
  4. I just tested putting a misc_bsp with t1_rail modified skybox into a space map, and it works fine! Just a bit of bugginess when passing through original skybox boundaries The only problem is that apparently, even though the map is strictly server-side, the lighting in the map is still affected for client-side players. Unless there is a way to compile without lighting issues if you do have the .map file?
  5. Also, related question, is it possible to change the distance cull size on a de- and re-compiled map? For instance, on t1_rail, the render distance on entities is very low, and it could be a proper dog-fighting map on its own if I was able to increase this distance if possible - if I used the map with altered distance cull, would the entities still render from the new distance client-side?
  6. Thanks! I did that with the t1_rail map sample and recompiled and it worked! However, when I decompile the t2_wedge.bsp, add it into GTKRadiant, change the skybox dimensions, do brush cleanup (otherwise it gives me error on compile), then do meta compile, I don't receive an .srf file. If I understand correctly, I need this to compile it into .bsp. Any clue where I may have gone wrong?
  7. I've managed to decompile it and open it in GTK Radiant, but I have no idea how to increase the dimensions of the skybox. How do you select skybox brushes?
  8. That's the thing, is it trivial to scale skybox to desired size? Is there any tutorial you could point me to? I don't mind losing all of those things because the map will be strictly server-side
  9. I realize that, but some clever entity modding can largely avoid this effect or reduce impact on gameplay
  10. I see. Too bad it isn't as trivial as I thought. Yeah, I've seen it in multiple instances. And yes, it will be "wonky" on the boundary where the ceiling used to be I think, but it shouldn't be too bothersome if the height can be increased by a lot for example. This is from my limited experience with messing with this type of stuff.
  11. Wouldn't it just be a matter of changing the scale on the current one? Just changing the height of the ceiling for example would be very useful for entity modding. E.g adding maps within maps using misc_bsp. And yes, I assumed it would take a modification of the .bsp file, but what do you mean by a "hard modification"? I assume you'd need to decompile, change it, recompile? It doesn't even matter if other info on textures/shaders get lost because the map would be purely serverside. As long as the geometry of the map is left intact it would be fine.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to edit default maps to have increased skybox/bounding box/playing area. I don't know the exact mapping term. E.g. I'd like to up the size of t2_wedge, so the invisible walls reach much, much further, to allow for aerial battles and whatnot. I'm currently building a map in Lugormod that has a PVP mode centered around blowing up the buildings like in SP mode. It's convenient since people don't have to download anything to play. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction on how to do this? Or is anyone willing to do this for me for a few of the singleplayer maps? Thanks.
  13. I'm building an immersive Lugormod map with large scale dynamic PVP events and a bit of PVE content. However, I'm running into issues with the NPC's. I'll show you what I'm trying to accomplish consistenly: These are the values I'm using: NPC_spawner 30 NPC_type,stormtrooper,count,-1,targetname,st4,NPC_targetname,st4,NPC_target,st4_d,NPC_target5,st_k,NPC_target6,st_killplayer,health,200,spawnflags,32,awakescript,common/default_behavior,angerscript,common/default_behavior As you can see I use spawnflags 32 to have no default AI on spawn. I only want them to react/attack when provoked. Hence anger and awakescript with common/default_behavior (from default jka). However, after killing the NPC a few times, the script stops to function. It simply stands there with no default ai when being attacked. Can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? I have very little knowledge of Icarus, so it's probably something obvious. Thank you! PS: wasn't sure where to post it, I hope its okay here. EDIT: I see now that I should have posted in coding & scripting. My apologies. Could someone move/delete this topic?
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