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File Comments posted by Ranger302

    Ultimate Academy

       3,189    11

    I thoroughly enjoy this SP mod on JK2, but this won't work for me either on JKA. Keep getting too many NPC error messages like theirs. I have removed ALL the NPC files I can and still get it. I want to play this. Anyway this can be fixed? Or is there an Unlimited NPC mod for SP gameplay out there?

  1. Hi. I saw this and wanted it badly. I downloaded it and installed it. For some reason its not working for me. I put it in the correct folder but nothing. I really like it. You can have the Reborn bots work AND a more variety of saber colors for the bots. (As it SHOULD have been when the game was created..) Anyway is there a way to get this to work or do you have another version I can use? Please let me know here or use my email. Anyone else having a problem getting it to work? Just so you know I play JO and JA on Steam. I no longer worry about the actual game disks getting scratched or broken. I have windows 7 on my PC. Ty and take care.

    Operation: Spaceport

       1,802    2

    This and several other files can't be downloaded. I get an ERROR 404 message. It says it can't be download. Any chance this can be fixed? Please? I had this level on my old computer. Its fun to play. I'd like it on my new one to play again. ty.

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