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Tutorial Comments posted by syainkn

  1. Quote

    Notes: These turds like to use their own saberstyles unless you restrict it in the .sab file of the saber they use. 

    Restrictions on npc's saberStyle by editing .sab file is nullified when a player holds a saber which restricts or bans specific saberstyle.


    Npcs are starting to switch saberstyles after I change my saber(.sab file) which has 'saberstyle(it fixes specific style and you cannot switch to another)' or 'saberStyleLearned' or saberStyleForbidden'.


    But there is a solution to handle this. As you say, If I set npc's rank as 'crewman/ensign', it will use medium only.

    And if I set npc's rank as 'civilian/ltjg', it will use only fast.

    It's just stopgap measure though... I mean it's not suitable to solve this bug.

  2. It seems that it is very similar to infested terran in starcraft 1.



    Anyway, there are few ways to survive against him.

    1. Kill him before he recognizes you. Unless he sense and begin to gaze you, he never activate his suicide bombing ability. Use force sense(level 3 required) and aim for his head with your blaster rifle(altfire is recommended).


    2. If he sense you, perhaps he will follow you. First, approach him closely, and then dodge(force jump level 2~3 required) backward as soon as possible. The longer distance between you and him, the more safer you are.

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