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Posts posted by Standos

  1. ...why would you use the Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy merger when there's a version of the JA Enhanced mod for Outcast? That's probably where the majority of problems are coming from.

    Because of playing with custom models/animations in Outcast. There is a problem with converting JA models to JO.

    Also, the only tweak that I've done was removing the conflicting .menu files, and everything worked very well when I've played through it.



    It's possible that you have an NPC mod with an error in it. One syntax error can cause a cascade of errors.

    can you describe such syntax errors? I haven't found anything about it. Probably it's referred differently?


    UPD: Apologies. I've referred wrong to JAO mod as "merger". It is adding JO campaign to JA, and based on original JO assets.

    Here it is: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1860-jedi-academy-outcast/

  2. Heyo. Basically, have the same problem.
    However, I've managed to track the source of the problem. It's bonded to number of total .npc files.

    I have empirically discovered the threshold of max model (vehicle/player) mods installed, in which case if I would place any other model mod above it, it would render the same mistake - losing ability to spawn stormtrooper NPC.

    Then I've taken the content from random mod .npc file and merged it into another, rendering the loss of 1 .npc file.
    Problem disappeared, while I was still allowed to use merged NPC.

    UPD: While I was writing this post, I've discovered that I can't spawn several other NPC's below stormtrooper in alphabetical order. I still can spawn alora, alora_dual, kyle, stormpilot, stormtrooper - but not swamptrooper, tavion_new, wampa etc.

    I don't know what the heck is causing this, but:

    1. I'm using JAEnhanced and dropping almost all mods into jaenhanced folder instead of base.

    2. I'm renaming the names of mods, placing a short description before them, like map_, model_, saber_, weapon_. And I have a lot of them.

    3. I'm using the Outcast/Academy merger, tweaked for using inside JAEnhanced.

    Any thoughts?

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